Each galaxy has its own bodies of matter and each is moving towards a black hole in the middle of the galaxy. I propose that black holes need our energy. They consume entire galaxies. Are we part of a strange cosmic food web or neural network? I submit that we are. Black holes emit gamma rays and X-rays, why? Scientists can speculate on how, but why? It mimics a neurotransmitter that delivers the charge of energy from a transmitting cell to a receiving cell. It is a dispersal of energy from one part of the universe to another part of the universe. We are part of a larger process. The brain resembles the probabilistic fractal; which is what the universe is.1 This universe is a spectrum. The spectrum contains light, visible and not, microwaves, radio (sound), X-rays (light), gamma rays, and a few different types of radiation. 2 I propose that all points in space are connected. Time divides space but it is only an illusion.

We are just evolving children. We have seemingly inaccessible knowledge within us. He’s completely locked inside, and the key is out of reach, for the moment. In reality there is only one point, “the space between”… the moment. I propose that black holes form some kind of connection through a neural network, like a brain. A wormhole the neural connection. One can only speculate on what happens at the event horizon. My hypothesis is a connection to all points in the universe by speeds faster than light, that’s why light can’t escape easily. However, he eventually escapes by throwing the debris out into the universe.
We are transmitters and receivers, conscious “results” produced by this very colorful and reflective magnet, the electromagnetic spectrum. One need only look at all the similarly complex, yet eerie patterns in nature and see how they are visible proof of spectrum evolution.

We are capable of perceiving more and more than we ever thought we could, and soon we will have greater abilities than we can imagine, these abilities being good and bad at the same time. We can only perceive a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum encompasses the way we perceive the universe and this perception allows the senses to function. We only use a fraction of our projected output from our brains, given current studies. One of this world only understands a few discrete forms of matter. We cannot even begin to understand all the as yet undiscovered states of matter.

We have evolved from stardust to this. All the fragments of matter carry the information of each transformation from matter to energy and vice versa, from the beginning.

1. http://www.exploratorium.edu/complexity/CompLexicon/fractals.html
2. http://www2.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec2.html

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