Over the years, there has been a lot of talk about how many people suffer from mental and emotional problems. This is something that the mainstream media covers regularly.

After society at large largely overlooked the inner part of people’s selves for so long, this can be seen as a major breakthrough. It has helped remove much of the stigma associated with this part of someone’s being; the part that you can’t see but that has a massive effect on your entire life.

The first scenario

When it comes to the solutions that are often proposed for these types of problems, they are not always adequate. However, to take a step back, it may be normal for someone to have to wait months for assistance.

This is, of course, if they look to the system to help them and don’t take matters into their own hands and seek answers online. As unfortunate as it is, it could be said that it is not much of a surprise.

Part of life

Ultimately, change takes time, and a society that has largely ignored mental and emotional issues will not suddenly become a society that provides excellent support. The problem is that if someone is not well, they simply cannot wait.

Another part of this is that people are generally seen as having problems, unlike the society in which they live. This then prevents the big questions from being asked and a bigger change from taking place.

No more

When it comes to the psychological realm, this is all there is to it; The mainstream media, or the government, are unlikely to talk about the mental and emotional development of citizens. Now, it could be said that it is not something that will be talked about much in the short term because there is a need to keep as many people as possible in an underdeveloped state.

Why would this be? Well, when someone is mentally and emotionally underdeveloped, they may lack the ability to think for themselves and rely on the system. Someone like that will be more likely to get along and less likely to prevail.

The priority

He will look like an adult on the outside, but on the inside he will be more like a dependent child. Your main need will be to experience safety, protection and to be cared for.

Having the freedom to express yourself and your views will be the last thing on your mind. So it’s a two-way process: the system possibly wants a dependent and fearful population, and people like this will want a big, strong government to take care of them.

Part of the problem

It is in the government’s interest to do everything possible to justify its own existence; The last thing I want is for most people to see how destructive government is. So whether it relates to creating problems or keeping current problems alive, it enables the government to maintain and strengthen its own existence.

For the citizenry as a whole to reach a certain level of development, it would probably only be necessary to have a very small government, since most people would be mature enough to govern themselves. However, even if someone is not mentally and emotionally underdeveloped, as there are so many pressures and distractions in the modern world, they may be too caught up in their own life to challenge the system.

An important course of action

In order for someone to be able to act as an individual and not just as if they were an extension of others, they will have needed to have started the process of individualization. This may have been something that started during your early years and will continue until your last breath.

Therefore, it is not something that is done and that is the end. If this is something that started when they were very young, now that they are adults, they probably have a strong sense of themselves and have reached a certain level of mental and emotional maturity.

The benefits

They will have the ability to stand up to others and they will have the ability to stand up for themselves. In addition, they will be in touch with their own worth and will be able to generate a sense of power, connection and love from within.

And, as they have begun the process of individualization, they will be more likely to see others as individuals and, as a result, respect their limits. It is also likely normal to think for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

A different way

When someone has not started the individualization process, it does not mean that they will realize this. Instead, the way they experience life may simply be what is normal, and deep down, they may see themselves as an extension of others.

They will have a developmental delay, and this may show that they were not given the care they needed as children and that their father was emotionally unavailable or absent. A father plays a vital role in this process and is necessary to separate the child from the mother.

The consequences

They would have had a physical birth but they would not have had an emotional birth, which would have prevented them from developing a strong sense of themselves. By not receiving what they needed, they may have a strong need to blend in and lose themselves in others.

Since they are essentially empty inside, they will not have a self of their own value nor will they be able to generate a sense of power, connection and love from within. This can make them join a movement (structure, identity) and yearn for a strong and powerful leader (power, guidance).

A great need

They will be adults, but their lives will be governed by their childhood needs that were not met. Standing alone will be more or less impossible, while standing with others will be whatever you feel comfortable with.

Since you will not see yourself as individuals, you probably will not see others as individuals; they may view them simply as a representation of someone or something else. They are unlikely to be interested in thinking for themselves and reaching their own conclusions; they can simply accept what the people in their group / movement believe.

The main point

It doesn’t take long to see how much damage has been done recently, and is currently being done, by people who have not started or gotten very far with the individualization process. Many, many people have come together and ended up acting as one being.

They believe the same, say the same and behave in the same way. By coming together in this way, they are re-experiencing the symbiotic connection they had with their own mother and are relinquishing their personal responsibility in the process.

Final thoughts

Although such people end up becoming one, most of these people do not come from a position of love and personal power. No, they come from a position of being deeply hurt and have a need to punish people who do not support their ideology.
With what has been going on, it is clear how much damage those who have failed to develop a sense of themselves and embrace their own inner capacities can do. With this in mind, the individuation process is not just an important part of an individual’s ability to lead a full existence; it is also an important part of what will lead to a more peaceful and harmonious world.

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