As you know, autism is a mental disorder and very common in children. Such children cannot interact well and often have strange behaviors. However, you will also see this disorder in adults which we will discuss below. Children with this disorder lag behind their peers in terms of development. They may also lose previous developments related to language or social skills. Such a child does not like to mingle with other children and often plays fantasy games.

Children with autism have sleep disorders and often eat strange things in addition to food. They prefer to repeat tasks and stay in their comfort zone. Parents of these children should monitor their school progress by holding regular conferences with teachers. Certain organizations and support groups design special toolkits to help families deal with an autistic child.

Can exercise reduce autism symptoms?

Studies show that exercise can help reduce frustration in children with autism and improve their overall health. You can choose any exercise your child likes, such as playing outside or walking and running. Even swimming can help a lot; Especially, it enhances a child’s senses. Swimming is a sensory play activity for autistic patients who can signal their senses in the right way, which is a common problem in autism. Children with autistic disorders find it difficult to play contact props, but strengthening exercises can be helpful. Some common exercises for autism also include star jumps and arm circles.

female autism

The disorder is common among boys, but it also appears in girls. According to the CDC, about one girl out of 152 suffers from autism. However, it may appear differently in girls, but it may also take personal investigation. Now, it is easy to diagnose this disorder thanks to technology and new advances in the medical field. You will see more reports on autistic patients compared to the past.

adult autism

Adults with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) learn to live with it throughout their lives. You will only see a few people with this disease living independently as they need constant support. Different treatments, including early-stage therapies, can reduce their symptoms and adults can lead normal lives. Adults are sometimes diagnosed at a later age due to lower awareness of autism among health professionals. You should talk to your doctor to get a diagnosis if you notice any symptoms of adult autism.

have a conscience

Aside from various studies and medical practices on autism, there is still a need to raise its awareness. People should be aware that ASD varies from person to person, depending on the factors described above.

Different treatment methods work differently in patients with autism. Even caregivers and parents have different opinions about an autistic child. But understanding and diagnosing this disease is not enough, as there is still confusion about its knowledge. Therefore, more research and awareness campaigns are essential.

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