Women love to be sexually dominated in the bedroom. It’s a natural reaction and it turns them on.

They really enjoy things like being touched or being told what to do. They love to be given orders; as they like to be put in the submissive frame. I know that sounds ridiculous, right? That’s because you’re looking at it from the perspective of someone who loves to be dominant. Almost all men are naturally dominant and have a desire to be dominant. They cannot understand why anyone would want to be submissive. But almost all women want that, in fact they love it.

When we were little more than animals, the dominant behavior was the behavior that the alpha males exhibited, the really attractive monkey. And to this day, women still find him really attractive.

That means they love to see and feel that you control them. They like to let go and give in to you. Most women are submissive, more so when it comes to sex than anything else. They love to be given orders, turned around and moved to new positions. In short, they love to be physically dominated.

But they also like to be dominated psychologically. Physical mastery is when you control them with your hands. Like moving them around the bed. The psychological mastery is when you control them with your mind and your words. So it’s like giving them orders and telling them to do things. They obey you because they love you and they know that IF they obey, you will ultimately give them more pleasure than if they don’t. Obeying you is a process of submission to you that they enjoy. Being submissive to you, they can even do things for you that they hate to do. And at the moment they will not enjoy doing it. But in general, it feeds into the framework in which you dominate them, so they will love it.

And that’s how to sexually please your girlfriend.

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