Having a strong core or midsection is an important aspect of your physical conditioning. A strong core will not only help you stabilize your body and improve your performance, it will also reduce the chance of injury. You can achieve this with a regular training program that includes exercises geared towards this.

You can target the lower back area, abdomen, and either side of the midsection. These core areas are the ones you will work using a variety of exercises. Below are some sample exercises to get you started.

1. For your abdomen you can start with the basic abs. The simplest is to lie on the floor with your knees bent, lift your torso up by curling it up while simultaneously rotating your hips to press your lower back into the floor. Try doing crunches while lying on an exercise ball with both feet on the floor.

2. Do the plank. The plank is simple in execution but can be difficult for some until they get stronger. It is executed by getting into a push-up position, but you will be supporting yourself on your forearms instead of your hands. Keep your body straight from head to toes and hold this position for a count of 30. If you can’t hold that long, start with a shorter time.

3. For the back, lie on your stomach with your arms stretched over your head. You can place a rolled towel under your hips to support your back. You can alternate raising and lowering each arm and leg separately for a count of three. Also try lifting your upper torso slightly off the floor as if you were doing reverse crunches for 10 repetitions. Be careful not to try to lift too high.

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