You hear a lot about artist scammers and things like that on the internet. You are careful and suspicious and I don’t blame you. In fact, it is good for you, you are a sensible and logical person. However, you can’t let this stop you from taking calculated risks. All the great men in history were careful and skeptical, but they also had a great sense of time and knew that to be successful they had to take risks from time to time.

An example is President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis. He did not fire half-way and immediately bombarded Soviet missile installations in Cuba, although that was what his generals wanted. He didn’t get weak and he didn’t do anything either. He coldly and logically assessed the situation and found a compromise, an island embargo that worked very well in the end. It avoided a full-blown Thermo-Nuclear War and took the missiles out of Cuba.

Like I said before, I don’t make suits! I spent my entire career in public school in South Africa in a suit. I am a 37 year old man. I do 1-3 hours of work a day, well, 5 days a week anyway. Then I go surfing, running or chatting with half-naked girls on the beach. I can do this because I just have a chance. I weighed the pros and cons. I got burned a couple of times, but in the end I found my JEWEL, some Jewels anyway, all because I took a chance. Learn from me and my mistakes, but also from my good decisions.

However, if you like to have your suit strangle you every day while you are a slave to condescending blackmail, HMO, a lying piece of ‘you know what’ boss in a 5 by 5 cubicle, 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week because you enjoy ‘Job Security’. Be my guest. Right now the sun is shining where I am, and the surf is pumping and it’s hot enough that the girls aren’t wearing much. So I’ll finish this article and go for a good long surf. Candy!

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