Warlocks not only cast spells or deal damage, but also take on a specific profession. In World of Warcraft, Warlocks can have a specific profession that they can choose from. Their professions can help them increase their magical powers, increase experience, stamina, health, and other abilities.

There are different professions that go very well with the warlock class, but not all professions benefit the warlock. The first of which is alchemy and herbalism. These professions help the warlock obtain potions and can sell herbs at the Auction House. Selling herbs can help the warlock earn more gold because they sell for a higher price.

Second, Enchanting fairs work well and don’t require a gathering profession, so you can choose another profession. Tailoring helps the warlock create a stronger one not to mention the Arcana robe. The Arcana Robe can only be obtained from a tailor that is needed in a particular warlock quest. Shadowcloth, Primal Mooncloth, and Spellcloth are the special recipes for tailoring in The Burning Crusade expansion. There are also plenty of worthwhile warlock gear pieces like Wrath of Spellfire and Shadow’s Embrace.

Tailoring can be the best profession, especially for warlocks who specialize in the Affliction skill. Shadow’s Embrace gear is very useful because it packs a large amount of spell damage. When paired with Great Dawnstone, it will accompany the warlock through T4 and T5 content. Other items the tailor provides are Netherweave Net and Ebon Shadowbag.

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