It’s hard to sleep when you have a dry cough or a stuffy nose. This creates restlessness and irritability, which we all know is not good for anyone, especially children. If your child has a simple cough or a cold, the best way to make him feel better is to make him feel comfortable while fighting the virus.

According to Catherine Tom-Revzon of Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, who is the Clinical Pharmacy Manager for Petdiatrics, cough suppressants make children feel dizzy or hyperactive. She recommends trying some natural home remedies to ease coughs and colds in young children.

Give him honey

According to recent studies, honey is great for relieving coughs compared to over-the-counter medications. It is also known to help children sleep better when they are sick. Best of all, kids love honey because it is sweet and delicious. Buckwheat, or any dark honey, is more ideal because it has more antioxidants than other varieties.

Half a teaspoon is recommended for children ages 1 to 5, while children ages 6 to 11 can enjoy a teaspoon. Do not give honey to children younger than 1 year old.

Make a salt water gargle

If your child is old enough and knows how to spit liquids without swallowing any, gargling with salt water is a good remedy for coughs and sore throats. Salt has powerful antibacterial properties, which is why salt water has long been used as a cough remedy.

Just mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with warm water and have your little one gargle with the mixture.

Keep it hydrated

Keeping children hydrated at all times is essential, what else if they are sick? Have your child drink lots of fluids; This relieves a sore throat and thins the mucus, making it easier to cough. If they prefer something flavored, offer warm or cold juice or decaf tea with honey for older children.

Serve chicken noodle soup

Ever wonder why your mom always makes chicken noodle soup every time you’re sick? It is because the warm soup helps loosen the mucus in the nasal passages, acting like a vaporizer. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective remedy for coughs and colds.

Support your little one when he sleeps

Your child will be able to breathe easier and sleep better if he sleeps in a supported position. This allows the airways to open, draining the mucus. Add an extra pillow under your child’s head at night to do this.

Don’t worry, your little one will be better before you know it. Just follow these simple but effective natural remedies for young children’s coughs and colds.

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