Risk Factors in Fungal

Fungal nail infections are a common problem that affects more than half the population in the United States. This type of infection is caused by fungi that live in the skin, on the nails and in the mouth. Those who have a history of the disease should take the necessary precautions to prevent fungal nail infection. In addition to avoiding common causes, people should also try to prevent becoming infected.

Among the most common factors that increase the chances of contracting a fungal nail infection are advancing age, poor health, diabetes, and other conditions that lower the immune system. Those who have a family history of fungal nail infections should seek medical attention immediately. Another risk factor for developing a fungal nail infection is wearing shoes or artificial nails. Furthermore, frequent hand washing is also a risk factor. This constant hand washing damage the protective skin around the base of the fingernail, which allows fungi to enter.

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The risk factor for developing a fungal nail infection increases if you have an injured finger or toe nail. In addition, if you suffer from diabetes, your blood flow to the extremities is reduced. Having a weak immune system can also increase the risk of developing a fungal infection. Additionally, older adults with poor circulation may have a higher risk of contracting a fungus than younger adults. In addition, older adults are more likely to get fungal nail infections because their nails grow slower and thicker as they age.

Risk Factors in Fungal Nail Infection

In addition to a poor hygiene habit, being diabetic can increase your risk for a fungal nail infection. While diabetes does not cause onychomycosis, it does make the disease more common and requires more attention to prevent it. While you should practice proper hand hygiene to reduce your chances, you should also avoid sharing your personal items with people with a fungal nail infection. If you go barefoot across a pool deck, you’re a potential risk factor for acquiring a fungal nail infection.

Other risk factors for a fungal nail infection include advancing age, poor health, and participation in fitness activities. However, you can also develop a fungal nail infection if you’re immune suppressed. This is a highly contagious condition that affects both men and women. For instance, HIV-positive people can develop the disease if their immune systems are weakened or impaired. Therefore, there are some important precautions you should take to prevent a fungal nail infection.

A fungal nail infection can be caused by a number of factors. The most common risk factor is advancing age. Besides, a person with poor health is more likely to get a fungal nail infection than someone without any risk factors. Other factors include participation in fitness activities, a lack of good circulation, and immune suppression. As a result, a person with a fungal nail infection should always seek medical attention.

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