All internet marketers share a common dream: focused internet traffic that turns directly into sales. This is what every Internet marketer works to achieve, which makes them continually search for the best method of generating traffic. Google AdWords is currently at the top of the list for producing quality, targeted traffic through pay-per-click marketing. If you are looking for a way to be able to increase your sales, take your entire marketing game to the next level, generate more leads, and see your website come to life, this would be the tool. Unfortunately, 95% of people who advertise with AdWords find that they can’t be successful. How can this be? So how can a few bring profit home while 95% are wasting their cash? To put it in a nutshell, you need to know the nature of the beast. To use PPC advertising effectively, you must do your homework and actually use the system. Not understanding these top issues creates a lot of avoidable mistakes. In this article, you’ll discover 3 common AdWords mistakes to avoid.

1. You have not established a reasonable daily budget.

Let me explain: keywords that are common, but too broad, will attract a lot of clicks that will only consume your money, but will not produce sales. Bidding on keywords that are too broad won’t help you. For example, let’s see what happens when you segment the word “hospital.” People who use terms as broad as “hospital” or “doctor” are often just trying to narrow down their search to something more specific, but are still not sure what they really need. Only people who are unsure of their goal will search with those keywords and go to another site. To really get results, you need to start digging into a narrower keyword that goes hand in hand with your bidding. If you use broad keywords, you won’t know if the people visiting your website really wanted what you were selling, and honestly, most of the time they don’t. Let’s consider the keyword “hospital” once more. When you Google the search term “hospital”, 78,400,000 results appear; however, refining the term a bit by adding “find a hospital” will bring the results down to just 249,000. As you can see, by using a more restricted keyword, you will face less competition and will only have visitors searching for something specific. People who use this term have a good idea of ​​what their goal is in their search. Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and you will know how they think.

2) Targeting for wrong keywords

There are a lot of people who have lost money trying to use Google AdWords. Over time, they stop trying to get it to work and abandon the tool. Not tracking your keywords effectively is when this happens. It is vital that you keep track of your keywords and landing page if you want this tool to serve you well. Not keeping track of your keywords makes it impossible to tell which ones have a high conversion rate and are profitable. When you have the knowledge of what works and what doesn’t, you have the keys to unlock the secrets and get high-quality traffic, without losing money. You simply need to keep the keywords that are profitable and get rid of the ones that are not as effective as you would like. By tracking them, it means you’ve tried them and you know which ones to use in your next campaign. Never forget how important it is to track the success of your keywords.

3) not focusing on your landing page

You need to make your landing page match your ad. You cannot have a successful campaign unless this rule is followed. It’s a capital mistake not to match your landing page title to your keywords and ad copy. You need to let the prospects know that they have landed on the site they were looking for, this will keep them there and hopefully generate the sales you are looking for.

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