Have you felt a burning sensation in your throat after a heavy meal? The burn that goes up the esophagus and extends from the upper chest to the back of the throat is known as acid reflux. The scientific name of the disease is gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, and it is more common than we think.

Although the main reason is usually attributed to eating the wrong type of food, the causes of acid reflux are many. Here is a list of the possible reasons why one suffers from GERD.

• Obesity: many people who weigh more often complain of this symptom and then resort mainly to topical remedies, which make it worse. A higher body weight increases the pressure placed on the stomach, forcing the acid to rise.

• Hiatal hernia: This is a medical condition in which the upper part of the stomach tends to move up into the chest through a tiny opening in the diaphragm. This could also lead to acid build up.

• Most pregnant women complain of heartburn and reflux, where one is often substituted for the other. A pregnant woman’s body undergoes many hormonal and physical changes. In our body, there is a valve known as LES between the esophagus and the stomach through which food is passed to the stomach. During pregnancy, the LES relaxes allowing acid to rise back up. Also, as the fetus grows and the pressure of the uterus on the stomach increases, acid reflux becomes more and more common.

• Taking muscle relaxants just before bed could cause this symptom and/or indigestion.

To what extent are foods responsible for acid reflux?

Most of the time, it is always the wrong diet that is to blame for this symptom. Fried food, spicy food, or any type of food that is rich in acidic content or can be called heavy can trigger heartburn. Here is a list of foods to avoid to reduce the occurrence of acid reflux:

• Meat with a high fat content

• Consume large amounts of highly acidic fruits and vegetables. Some examples of acidic fruits and vegetables are oranges, blueberries, tomatoes, limes, lemons, etc.

• Potato items, especially french fries, mashed potatoes, potato salad

• Dairy products such as cheese, ice cream, shakes, etc.

• Heavy smoking also leads to acid reflux

• Consuming too much alcohol and caffeine is also a powerful reason why you frequently experience acid reflux.

Although there is no specific diet for GERD, it is recommended that those who experience this disease should often have smaller portions spread throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water also helps, but make sure you don’t drink more than half a glass of water after a meal, as that will hinder proper digestion.

How can yoga help with acid reflux?

In ancient times, a common practice of yogis was to perform certain yoga asanas early in the morning, drink plenty of water, and then get rid of all the accumulated acid in the stomach. This is not a treatment scenario, but rather a lifestyle practice that removes acid buildup in the stomach to prevent reflux altogether.

Also, yoga helps to strengthen the stomach muscles. Breathing exercises, especially Kapalbhati and Pranayama, work primarily on the diaphragm and stomach muscles, conditioning and strengthening them over time. In fact, breathing techniques alone would be enough to help a hiatal hernia patient not only cure reflux but also reduce the opening through which the upper part of the stomach pushes into the esophagus.

The best times to do the breathing exercises are in the morning, where you can combine them with meditation. And two before going to bed, you will also notice a change in your erratic sleep schedule and insomnia if any.

Aside from breathing exercises, two asanas have been found to be effective in curing and preventing acid reflux. Warrior II pose, in which the arms are stretched out straight and one leg is bent while the other is stretched back, is an excellent asana for stretching and strengthening the chest muscles.

Second, Corpse Pose or Savasana relaxes the body. You should always take deep, steady breaths while in the corpse position, as that also reduces heartburn.

Since yoga is both a preventive and a curative measure, it should be practiced regularly. If you want to get the maximum benefits from your yoga session, try to also opt for the yogic eating system for at least one day of the week.

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