Let’s look at what it takes to become a persuasive speaker. Why persuasive, because those who are most successful in persuading others of their ideas are the most successful in life.

Your presentation skills can be divided into four categories: inform, entertain, motivate/inspire, and persuade. A persuasive speaker is a leader in informational speaker is a teacher, which one are you.

Being a persuasive speaker involves emotion, you’ve probably heard the old sales adage, AIDA, which means attention, how can you hope to persuade without drawing the public’s attention?

Interest, you must talk about a topic that is interesting and relative to the audience you are trying to convey the message to. Decision, in your presentation you should even evoke the motion that they should make a decision to change, whatever it is that is not the way they want it to be.

And last but not least, the action must be a clear way to act on the information they have received, which will produce the desired results. He must also realize that in order to become a dynamic and persuasive speaker, he must use his imagination.

The great Albert Einstein said that “imagination is a greater force than knowledge.” Within his own psyche, or community of self, willpower is the intended ruler, but it can be hijacked by emotions or imagination.

When we are visualizing negative, fearful images of failing, we fail. Instead, visualize confident and persuasive images, and you will succeed. You will not change things by trying to impose your will on them. But you will fix things by visualizing and using your imagination to evoke images of confidence and power.

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