As soon as you start upping your game, you will have several girls who will want to knock on your door on a regular basis. It might surprise you to think about it, but if you stick to a few techniques, you can have all these girls at once. A “relationship” is simply the way interactions occur between two people. It has nothing to do with being monogamous.

You can have sex with all of these girls at once by doing two simple things:

1. Never, never, never beg.

Now this will take work and practice, but it is essential. You have to learn to be the man in every situation, no matter what. You can never allow her to steal the framework of your relationship. The frame should be consistent with the fact that you are the prize and she is working to keep her interest. You must be decisive, make the decisions. Biologically, girls are programmed to find a man to align with who will dominate her, make decisions for her, and essentially guide/protect her through life. This is true even in today’s society, where women are equal in business and so on. So, be the man at all times and never let her shake your dominant frame.

Now, it is inevitable that after sleeping with a girl for a while, she will start giving you little hints about wanting you to become monogamous. She will take subtle jabs at the frame, talking about you dating other girls, to see if she affects you. This has to be avoided early, and it’s surprisingly simple to do.

2. Set the framework for multiple relationships

Once you’ve had sex with a girl a few times and decide you want to keep doing it, that’s how you set the framework for the relationship. Have some wild and crazy sex with monkeys. After you’ve both caught your breath and are lying on happy ground after sex, say this or something like this to her:

“You know, I have a great time with you…I love how fun you are and how nonjudgmental you are. I’m so glad we can be so free in college and independent without needing to be monogamous.” in a relationship like in high school. I feel like I can experience and learn so much more about life here without being held back or feeling guilty about having a good time.”

The way he frames that statement makes it all sound positive. Since everything is positive, you have no answer and no way to react except positively. Then she will agree with you and the frame is already set. She knows you’re only together for the sex and she’s not going to try to make any nonsense about you being her boyfriend, or at least not that much.

If you are going to have a girl as your sexual partner for a long period of time, eventually she might start giving you little hints. Stick to technique number 1 and it won’t be a problem. The best part, fuck them the right way and you’ll be the only guy they’re seeing, even though they know it’s not the other way around. Proof that 99% of guys don’t know what they’re doing. So, pat yourself on the back just for reading this article.

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