This will never allow a batter to maximize his ability. He will hit a lot of ground balls. To correct this, while he is in contact with the ball, the bottom hand should face down and the top hand should face up.

For batters using a wrist twist, in order for the hands to function properly, using word pictures, we say the bottom hand “lands the plane” and the top hand “crashes the plane.”

Here’s the drill: The bottom hand (lead hand) begins at the point of the shoulder, palm open and facing down, while in the support position. The other hand is on the hip. The front heel lifts and the player charges. As the hips rotate in a straight line with the pitch, the hand on the shoulder moves directly in front of the body, where the hands would be while the bat is in contact. The hand remains palm down. This is “Landing the Plane”. Do this several times, starting with your hands back on your shoulder in the pose position.

The top hand (power hand) is next. Start in the same position but with your palm open and facing up and forward. As the hips turn square to the pitch, this hand will move to the same spot, but palm up. This is “Crashing the Plane”. Do this several times.

Now do the exercise again. This time bring both hands together, but with the bat added, starting at the shoulder area. Now swing the bat on contact. The hands should be in the same position as before. Open them while in the contact position. The upper hand should be open, palm up, under the bat. The bottom hand should be open, palm down, on the bat.

Note: The proper action to complete the swing is for the top hand to continue under the bat through contact and first extension. The bat will finally roll when it reaches the second extension position, just before the swing is completed.

By repeating these baseball hitting drills, with the images in mind, hand action is improved. The batter does not swing to make contact. He is breaking at the point of contact. This will increase bat speed, quickness and the ability to make contact with the ball.

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