In my world, musical personality defines how much you like music, not what you listen to.

You will discover your musical personality when you take the music quiz in A Sound Match. There are four groups of Musical Personality. Are you a diamond in the rough, a heart of gold, a shining star, or an unchained melody?

Music Personality nicknames might sound fluffy and meaningless. But its underlying meaning packs a punch.

People who belong to the Diamonds in the Rough group are passionate about music. They can be described by the following social traits and behaviors:

o Unconventional, resist the mainstream
o Non-compliant, more likely to take social risks
o Open to new experiences, explore social unknowns
o Choose life off the beaten path, edgy

You will see these traits less, the less a person cares about music. When you meet the Unchained Melodies, who are apathetic to music (but will never admit it), you see personality differences between them and Diamonds in the Rough. What is the difference between them?

An Unchained Melody has a hard time understanding the social, intellectual, and lifestyle needs of a diamond in the rough.

An Unchained Melody might think vacationing on a big Caribbean cruise ship is exciting and relaxing, but renting a cabin in a remote Costa Rican town is dangerous and not worth the trip. Or, you might think that living in a condo with new carpeting and boxy walls is stylish and comfortable, but you see no charm in living in an old Victorian house with sloping hardwood floors, a split bathroom, and 10-foot ceilings with intricate moldings. And, Unchained Melodies may prefer your fiction to be a bestseller, but you never want to get past the first ten pages of a Tom Robbins book that requires suspension of disbelief, intense concentration, plus a heavy dose of patience for development. of the character (all his books are worth it).

Where we land on the musical spectrum is not important. It is where we land in relation to others that makes all the difference. We want to meet the people closest to us because we will have the most important similarities for our relationships to be successful.

Music tells us who we can travel with, live in the house we like, joke around on the same intellectual level, discover the unknown, and more. Doesn’t it make sense that we can also use it as the readily available and effective filter to help us find the right person?

We all listen to music and have a musical personality. Our interest in music tells the truth about us.

Take the test now.

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