Despite some controversy and much discussion about logistics, the first Mental Health Olympics will open on September 28, 2010 at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales.

The Mental Health Olympics feature international athletes with formally diagnosed mental health issues competing in a series of sporting events. Events for this unique gathering were carefully chosen with potential conflict with individual mental health conditions in mind. For example, officials will not use a traditional starting gun to start racing contests to avoid triggering panic attacks or other troublesome symptoms.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) approved this new addition to the sporting calendar in 2008. Since then, organizers have worked diligently in conjunction with the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the London 2012 Organizing Committee, as well as the IOC to structure the event. , considering the logistics of the location, as well as exactly which events will be most appropriate for the competitors. Reserve Olympic events such as shooting events, for example, have been eliminated and long-distance running is being evaluated for the effect it might have on diagnosed schizophrenics. Events likely to be on the final list for consideration include Taekwondo and possibly fencing and archery.

As the first event of its kind in the world, the Mental Health Olympics is expected to draw global attention to Cardiff. Hotels in Cardiff hope to do brisk business in accommodating participants and attendees. The event promises to draw attention to mental health issues around the world. As these types of disorders have often been met with misunderstanding and prejudice, those involved in the Mental Health Olympics hope to see positive results from this international event when it comes to general perceptions of mental illness.

As Cardiff hotels and other tourist-oriented accommodation and businesses prepare to meet the challenge of hosting an international event, athletes are also continuing their preparations. For those planning to attend, it would be advisable to book Cardiff hotels in advance, while accommodation is still available.

This one-of-a-kind event could provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience for athletes and attendees alike, set against the backdrop of beautiful Cardiff, making it that much more special for those lucky enough to attend. The influx of visitors promises to give Cardiff’s economy a boost, generating revenue for retailers and shops as well as Cardiff hotels. Add the inaugural Cardiff 2010 Olympics to your holiday calendar for next year and be a part of this historic event.

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