The most important aspect of finding your dream job is finding the job or career that matches and is compatible with your personality. This may sound relatively simple, however we are often clueless as to what different careers actually entail and all too often people find themselves “finishing” in a career without having made a conscious decision to do so. Resources for career advice, including career tests, can be of great help in empowering people to make career decisions. So what are some of the resources available to people, and how can they be used most effectively to achieve results?

Job search websites and databases

The Internet is a comprehensive source of information that allows us to select from an ever-growing list of options. Most online resources help job seekers find a job based on their personal preferences and skills. Unfortunately, as is often the case, candidates are forced to find and accept jobs that meet their requirements at the time based on factors such as salary, location, and often simply what jobs are currently being offered. However, if care is not taken, once a job seeker accepts a job or role based on such factors, they often unknowingly move further away from achieving their true career goal. Job seekers who use these methods to decide on a career may eventually feel that they have found themselves ultimately unhappy and in a job or career that does not suit their personality or them.

Identify what is “really” important to you

A key aspect of finding a career that is a good fit for your personality is understanding what is important to you. It sounds simple, but surprisingly few job seekers actually do this. There are a few ways one can do this. You could make a list of all the things you think are important to you in a job and then order them from most important to least important. You can then access a database of jobs and review the many thousands of jobs and careers to locate those that best match your priority list. While this process could potentially be successful, it would be very time consuming and luckily there are more effective and time efficient ways to go about this process. One such method is for job seekers to take a career test, which when completed will review all of their job preferences and personality traits before providing them with a list of all the jobs that fit their personality. Most quality tests, such as the Strong Interest Inventory (SII), also go a step further and provide a good list of detailed action steps to guide the person in taking the necessary steps to move toward achieving the goal. desired career.

Make sure you only use a quality run test

Race tests are not race tests, just like “oils are not oils.” What this is to say is that there are plenty of career tests or “Quizes” on the internet today that, while fun to play with, are far from quality career advice and are often highly unreliable. To use a career test to help you find a job that fits your personality, you need to find a test you can trust. Easier said than done, but the only reliable way to do this is to select a career test or quiz that is backed by solid research data and was not simply created by the webmaster of the site you are visiting. For example, as mentioned above, the Strong Interest Inventory is a career test that has been used by professional career counselors around the world for many years, and has had many revisions and updates. It is based on years of research and its developers publish their reliability and validity data which is publicly available. Free professional quizzes and tests on the internet can make many claims, but when was the last time you saw one that actually gave you hard numbers and measures of reliability and validity?

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