Although someone might live in a relatively safe place, it does not mean that they will realize this at the core of their being. As a result of how they behave and live their life, it will be as if they are living in a very dangerous environment.

But, although this is something that may catch the eye of the outside observer, it may not stand out to them. Instead, the way they experience life could be what is normal and therefore they may not be able to see what is happening.

The rule

However, thanks to how long they have probably experienced life in this way, it could be said that this is not much of a surprise. There is a strong possibility that they have been that way for many, many years.

The way they experience life is unlikely to be very satisfying, however it will be something they have become used to. The downside to this, of course, is that if you have gotten used to what is happening and see it as life is, there will be no need for you to do anything about it.


In general, they could spend a long time living in your head, which means they won’t have a good connection to your body. Being aware of what is happening above, your thoughts, will not be a problem, but being aware of what is happening below, your feelings and sensations, will be.

And, since they spend a lot of time in this part of their being, it could mean that they have a well-developed intellect. Along with this, they themselves could be ‘spiritual’ and often spend time in other realms.

Pros and cons

If they have a well-developed intellect, they will have no trouble thinking clearly and questioning things, but they can often feel empty. They will have a lot to do upstairs, but not much downstairs.

They will not feel empty because in reality they are missing something; they will feel empty because they are not being supported by their emotional selves. However, if they come into contact with this part of them, they are unlikely to be very supportive.

A painful experience

This could be a time when you feel very depressed and deeply depressed. What this can illustrate is that you are carrying many, many layers of toxic shame, helplessness, and helplessness.

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However, when they are not in touch with their feelings, it does not mean that they will feel comfortable. It may not be uncommon for them to experience fear and anxiety, and their body could tense up when this happens and their consciousness could be firmly in their head.

Away from others

Now, one might prefer to spend a lot of time alone, as this might be a time when they can feel more at ease. This is not to say that being away from others will allow you to experience inner peace; is that your inner world could be much more manageable.

Watching TV or surfing the web, for example, will allow them to get away from all the excitement that is within them. Their connection to themselves will not be very strong when this happens, but they will experience much-needed rest.

Around others

When they are with other people, they can automatically assume a certain role. This could mean that they will be calm, submissive, and act as if they are an extension of others.

Then they will be happy to take a back seat and allow others to get all the attention. At times like this, one will be there physically but not emotionally.

Stay small

After being with others, they might end up feeling angry, frustrated, and helpless. This is likely a consequence of the fact that they did not come forward and fully express who they are.

Ultimately, being like this and not showing up will be what you feel safe. Deep down, being seen by others and growing and expanding is likely seen as a threat to your own survival.

A priority

On one level, the way they experience life will make them suffer, but on a deeper level, then the way they experience life will be seen as the only way to survive. Focusing solely on the symptoms of this, such as being disconnected from themselves, not being seen, feeling helpless, and staying small would not be the most effective approach.

What must be faced is what prevents them from feeling safe and being able to inhabit their body. Once they feel safe enough to be in your body, they will feel safe enough to express their true self and embrace life.

A closer look

If you’ve been that way for as long as you can remember, you could show that your childhood years were not very enriching. This may have been a time when they were abused or neglected weekly, if not every day.

This would have meant that they did not receive the kind of care they needed to develop in the right way. They would not have developed a sense of self-worth, security or protection and losing contact with their body would have been the only way to handle what happened.


If you can relate to this and are ready to change your life, you may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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