Most, if not all, of our criminal justice problems originate outside of the courthouse and beyond the bench. Our justice system has been designed to enforce the laws of our cities, states, and federal government, and as such, we essentially have three accessible categories for contemplation within our justice system. From each of these components we branch with subunits.

The first branch component that we come across is the police agencies or the law enforcement component. This category includes local police officers and individual detectives that make up the police department and its police chief or sheriff. These are the professionals who are in charge of locating and capturing people who have broken the law. Law enforcement personnel have the responsibility of apprehending the offender, establishing crucial charges against the perpetrator, and gathering evidence to ensure that the case is strong enough when brought to court. While awaiting trial, the person will likely be placed in a jail cell until he is scheduled to appear in court.

The second component of our justice system is the judicial division or the court itself. This includes judges, the prosecutor, defense attorneys and, if necessary, juries. Their combined responsibility is to ensure that the accused person receives a fair and impartial trial. The judges will hear the case and preside over the court making sure that all established laws are followed. Many small cases can simply be presided over by a judge. However, in the case of a high profile case, a jury of 12 citizens will be selected to determine the defendant’s guilt or innocence based on the facts presented at trial. In select cases, the jury may make recommendations on a viable award, but the actual award will ultimately be decided by the judge. If convicted of a crime, the individual may receive one of several forms of punishment. These punishments can take the form of fines, probation, house arrest, public service, or prison. If placed on probation, they will be assigned a court-appointed probation officer. This person would be responsible for knowing exactly where the offender is at all times. He periodically checks that the offender keeps all scheduled appointments and complies with the rules for his release. If the offense is related to substance abuse, the person may be required to attend specific classes as part of their release agreement.

Our third component consists of the corrections division. After being found guilty of a crime in a court of law, the offender is placed in the custody of the various prison authorities. As so aptly suggested, punishment is a necessary part of social life for those who break the rules of society, so this fraction of our justice system confirms and administers the sentence handed down by judges and juries. The correctional component will include jails and prisons along with the warden and correctional officers who oversee inmates’ behavior while in prison. A variety of probation and probation officers will be assigned to the person when they are released from prison. These individuals are assigned the task of ensuring that the sentence and its stipulations are effectively carried out.

Copyright @2012 Joseph Parish

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