Chances are if you are reading this, you may be going through a breakup. If that’s the case, I’d like to take a moment and be honest. Breaking bread is not like anything else.

The feeling of being rejected on that level is really terrible and can leave you confused, depressed and unable to do anything to remedy the situation. You may also be asking yourself, “Should I make an effort to get back together with my ex?”

These are very valid feelings and thoughts that I can relate to. This is normal. Sometimes the best thing to do in this type of situation is to learn the lessons and move on. Sometimes people are not good to each other and a permanent separation is for the best. But if you think your situation is different and deserves a second chance. You may want to continue reading…..

The pain of a breakup can cause us to have some pretty crazy thoughts at times and our actions can be irrational. We may find ourselves so eager to patch things up with our ex that we find ourselves constantly calling them or sending email after email hoping for a response to work things out. In this new world of MySpace and Facebook, we may be tempted to log on to our ex’s page and check their ‘relationship status’ or read about where they will try to ‘make it happen’ to be there to find them and try to resolve the issues. things. And let’s not forget text message terrorism.

All of this behavior, while it feels appropriate at the time, actually ends up working against us in our attempt to win our ex back. Actually, the best way to get on the road to making peace with your ex is to just stop. Break contact for a while. Go do some things that you need to take care of that will make you a better person. Little things like; clean, wash and vacuum his car, get some exercise, maybe even drop 10lbs if you need to (I know I did), clean and rearrange his living space. And something that really helped me was helping someone less fortunate around you. Maybe mowing the lawn for a neighbor who can’t do it himself or baking a cake for someone who isn’t well. Volunteer somewhere. You know your abilities and how you can help. Also remember the times you’ve accomplished great things and remember that even if you’ve made some mistakes, you’re a good person when it comes down to it and you deserve a second chance.

During this time, your ex will experience a change in how she feels about you, as you will no longer pursue her. You become mysterious. She’s not sure what you’ve been up to. This is actually something that works in your favor. Now your ex is in the position of missing you maybe, which is not possible when you are smothering her. Magic!

You must remember that the key to this strategy and to mending a rupture is to work with human nature instead of working against it. If you are wondering “What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?” you should now have a basic understanding of how the most common mistakes can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy, you can restore the balance and allow your ex to remember why she was attracted to you in the first place.

Just stay grounded and avoid choking her. Always ask yourself: “Is my behavior that of someone who generates attraction?” Be mysterious and confident, and she’ll remember why she was attracted to you in the first place. Play hard to get (don’t overdo it) and let her make the first move, and you will emerge victorious. And then you will stop asking yourself “What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?”

I’ve been there. I can relate. breaking bread [] not funny

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