If you have an infestation of silver bugs in your home, you may have already realized that these callous little creatures not only have contemptible attitudes towards most items in your home, but are also nearly impossible to eradicate. Internet forums are full of horror stories of people struggling to get rid of these pests from their homes despite spending a fair amount of money on pesticides. If you’re having the same difficulty and wondering why these bugs just can’t be defeated, here are three little things you might not know about these relentless bugs.

1) They know how to play the game.

Silver bugs are nocturnal creatures. They are also sharp, intelligent, and exceptionally quick at playing hide-and-seek. Trying to kill them off with pesticides may produce modest results in the short term, but it will cost you a prodigious amount of money and precious time in the long run. It is humanly impossible to reach these insects in their designated living environments. They reside inside walls, cracks, pipes, ceilings, basements, attics, between bookshelves, kitchen cabinets, closets, and any dark hidden space in your home.

Even more surprising, silver bugs are immune to almost all highly recommended pesticides that are widely available on the market. The few that can kill them are also dangerous to your health and that of other household pets such as cats, dogs, and fish. Over time, you may be able to kill a small percentage of silver bugs, but it’s unlikely that you’ll get to the nucleus and remove their eggs.

2) High humidity and temperature in your home is the number one reason why they will never leave their dream places.

Silver bugs prefer cool, moist environments with a humidity level between 75% and 95% and a temperature between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. As long as your home encompasses these deal breakers, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever find any method or product that will eliminate these bugs permanently. Unless you address the causes of the high humidity and temperature of the route, these creatures will continue to lay eggs, shed their skin, and destroy not only your precious items, but also other household items that contain starches and polysaccharides.

3) Keeping your items safe will never starve them.

Although they have a strong appetite for polysaccharide-containing items, silver bugs can also survive without substance for more than a year. Hiding all items that are high in carbohydrates, protein, and dextrin may prevent these insects from doing serious damage, but it won’t force them out of your home. In either case, they may feed on their own external skeletons and other dead insects as they continue to multiply. They may enjoy destroying your items, but these items are not one of the main defining factors of their existence.

One of the most effective methods that I believe you can use is to find out WHAT is causing the high humidity in your home and then act quickly to rectify these causes. But first you must understand its biological composition.

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