Depression is a serious illness faced by a large number of people around the world. It is unfortunate that many people with depression are unaware of their condition. Therefore, it is important to control the symptoms of depression. While it’s normal for a person to feel sad throughout their lives, it’s important to watch for sadness that is intense and doesn’t seem to go away for long. The severity of depression varies from person to person. In cases where the severity of depression is severe, it is best to see a doctor.

There are many treatments for depression. Medication is not recommended unless necessary. Even after taking medication or antidepressants, many people still suffer from major depression. So if it’s not medication, what can a person do to reduce symptoms and treat depression? Experts have come up with many non-drug treatments for depression. Some of them are:

1) Exercise
Many people believe that depression occurs due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. By exercising, you become physically active and therefore increase the amount of blood flow to the brain. This, in turn, helps treat depression and makes you feel better. Therefore, exercising is a drug-free way to treat depression, whether mild or moderate.

2) Sleep well
If you are in the habit of not getting enough sleep, you will surely face mental health issues like depression. To reduce the symptoms of your depression, such as fatigue, it is extremely important that you get enough rest. Getting a good night’s sleep can allow you to better manage daily stress.

3) Communicate
Another way to handle depression is to talk about it. Keeping your thoughts trapped inside leads to a lot of toxicity and negativity. You’ll find that by talking to people who care about you or who are experiencing the same problems, you can feel better. You can form a circle with a few people you trust and tell them about your problems regularly.

4) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is an FDA-approved method of treatment used to relieve symptoms of depression. This treatment is carried out by using a magnetic field and magnetic pulses to “wake up” or stimulate specific regions of the brain that are responsible for managing a person’s mood. TMS is a fairly safe procedure that is performed without the use of anesthesia. That means you are fully conscious when the doctor performs this procedure.

There are no serious side effects associated with the use of TMS for depression. A person may experience mild headaches after having the procedure done. The procedure takes about 40 minutes and can be done more than once a week, depending on your needs. There are many success stories that have been linked to this particular method.

So if you suffer from depression or know someone who does, be sure to incorporate all of these drug-free methods to find relief and feel better.

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