Enjoying the outdoors is nice, whether it’s taking a walk, sitting on a bench, or feeling the warm breeze run through your hair as you ride your bike. So what can make these things in life so much better? Add some electricity, of course, from a battery or from the sun as in solar power. Technology is advancing very fast and manufacturers have found ways to make batteries more efficient and environmentally friendly at the same time that photovoltaic solar cells are becoming easier and cheaper to manufacture.

Riding a bike has its advantages and disadvantages. If you’re lazy doing all of that, it can be a turnoff from even trying to get on that bike in the first place. Unless you ride a bike for exercise and sport, the idea of ​​breaking a sweat in the middle of the day isn’t all that appealing, is it? As well as the effort it takes to go uphill on a standard bike.

Enter the electric cycle or electric bike as most people call it. It looks almost the same as your favorite road bike, beach cruiser or mountain bike, but it’s fully powered by a battery. Similar to a moped but without all the noise and gasoline. The power these electric cycles produce is tremendous, depending on the voltage pack, you can travel up to 30 miles on a single charge and speed up to 20 mph. The off-road electric mountain bike version can go up to 40 miles per hour and 40 miles of distance, now that’s amazing isn’t it?

You’re probably thinking that these electric bikes cost a lot, but that’s where you’re wrong. You get what you pay for, I can’t stress that enough. Typically, depending on style, bells and whistles, and style preference, a battery-powered bike can run anywhere from $500 to a couple thousand dollars. There are some mountain bike style cycles that cost around 1200, comparable in quality to a similarly priced manual standard mountain bike. This way you can have your cake and eat it.

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