A Planar Focus is an item that can be equipped in its own specific slot like any other piece of armor. Planar Foci have nothing to do with soul picking, so they can be used with any Rift leveling build. Planar Focuses for Guardian players are also known as Sigils (i.e. Sigil of the Sword, Sigil of Ascendance) and Defiant players call them Source Cores or Source Engines (Expanded Source Engine, Energized Source Core, etc. ).

By equipping a Planar Focus, a player gains access to multiple slots that can be socketed with planar essences. Planar Essences improve player stats, combined with strong power leveling builds, they can speed up leveling.

A planar essence can be of two types: minor or major. Minor Essences often give a boost to primary or secondary stats and resistance. Greater Essences are a bit like trinkets. Upon dealing damage or healing, they trigger some event (a significant stat boost that lasts several seconds, a self-heal, or additional damage).

Planar Essences, major or minor, are obtained as rewards for closing rifts, defeating invasions, or can be purchased from planar vendors. During Rift events, these essences can be purchased from specific event vendors in exchange for event currency. They are particularly useful for players below level 50 because most of the time their quality is higher than what is normally found in vendors. Better essence can significantly improve the efficiency of power leveling builds.

Given the diversity of rift leveling builds for a vocation, there are several things to consider when equipping a planar essence. First minor or major? What goes best with power leveling builds? The number of essences allowed and their nature depends on the equipped Planar Focus. The first Planar Focus is obtained around level 9-10 as a quest reward. Only allows you to equip 2 minor essences. Improved Planar Spotlights can be purchased from Planar Goods vendors in exchange for Planarite. The most powerful Planar Focus allows you to equip 4 minor essences and 2 major essences. When two Major Planar Essences are equipped they must be from different families.

When selecting essences, a player must take their primary stats into account. Even if there are multiple types of essences for a Call, they usually depend on the build. Minor Essences are useful for the stat boost they provide. So what you have to look at are the statistics and their relevance. Resistance is not that important. Stats come before stamina when selecting a minor essence. If a player has multiple rift leveling builds, the essences should be chosen according to the role played.

The same is true when choosing greater essences. The chosen build dictates which essence type to choose. A player with a healing build will naturally choose a greater essence with a healing process. Players with offensive power leveling builds will prefer an essence that deals damage or stat buffs.

Even if they don’t seem like they add much to Rift leveling builds, Essences still matter. A stat boost or proc is always good and can sometimes get you through sticky situations. If you want to have viable power leveling builds, Essences are definitely something not to be overlooked.

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