Grommet curtains are becoming an increasingly popular window treatment these days. There are many benefits to using them; They’re easy to take on and off to clean, look great, and many are pretty inexpensive. They’re perfect for full-length windows, but they also look good on smaller windows.

The curtains are incredibly easy to hang. All you need is a rod, the curtains hang from the rod through grommets at the top of the curtain. They simply slide on without the need to hold on to the drapery hooks. Most sets have two long rectangular panels, although for larger windows you can add more panels for a fuller look. During the day they are very easy to slide back and secure with a curtain tie on each side.

Curtain poles are also very decorative, mainly because they are often clearly visible with grommet curtains. The poles can be made of wood or metal, with a finial at each end to prevent the curtains from slipping off the end of the rod.

It’s also very easy to sew your own curtains if you’re pretty handy with a sewing machine, as all that’s required is four straight seams at each end. You may want to sew curtain tape to the top of the curtain to give the fabric a bit of stiffness. In fact, you can also buy grommet drapery tape that is already circled at even spaces along the length of the tape. This makes the job of spacing the buttonholes a breeze as there is no measuring or guessing on your part. Grommets are purchased separately and are usually very easy to fit into the curtain material.

There are many different fabrics to choose from. Some grommet curtains have patterns, although most often the fabric chosen is a solid color with no patterns or very light patterns. If you want to add some color variation to your drapes, it’s easy to purchase fabric or drapes with a horizontal stripe running across the top of the drapery. This adds to the drape without making it look too busy or over the top. White grommet curtains look great in a bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom.

Shades like these look great hung over long windows, where the vertical drop of the drapes serves to accentuate the length of the window. They really are very elegant, especially if you choose the color well and they are just as well open or closed. The ease of use and simplicity of design make these shades the number one choice for many these days.

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