A recent report on the news got me thinking about substances that are toxic to our pets; you know, the foods that dogs should not eat; Dangerous dog food.

The subject of the report was the substance xylitol, the active agent in TicTacs(TM), as well as many other sugar-free candies. Apparently, a woman’s black Lab had a propensity for stealing tasty morsels from her master’s bag, including TicTacs(TM) and Tums(TM).

Now, I don’t know about her four-legged friends, but I know for a fact that if I stick a handful of Tums(TM) in my 90-pound Briard’s food dish, she’ll lift her aristocratic little French muzzle up at me. I walked away, no doubt muttering under his less than fragrant dog breath.

Or, er, the doggy equivalent of gossiping.

The idea of ​​a dog devouring (no pun intended) a container of breath mints might seem hilarious until you consider that this particular dog nearly died as a result.

Apparently, xylitol, which is a natural substance and a fairly acceptable sugar substitute for humans, can negatively affect a dog’s insulin levels, as well as its liver.

While I’m not in the habit of giving Allie breath mints of any kind, as tempting as it may have been at times, I have to admit that I didn’t know they were among the foods dogs shouldn’t eat. So I decided to pass the information on to you.

If you suspect your pet has ingested xylitol, contact the National Animal Poison Control Center (NAPCC) at 1-888-426-4435. This information is recent enough that even your vet may not be aware of the danger.

After hearing this news, I decided to investigate other edibles that are toxic to our canine companions. There are several dangerous dog foods on the list.

I am sure that most dog owners are well aware of the dangers of chocolate for a dog, as well as onions. But maybe some of the list of foods that dogs should not eat are new to you.

Are here:

  1. Alcoholic beverages (needless to say, right?)
  2. Avocado (great for your heart, but don’t feed it to your dog)
  3. Coffee/chocolate (caffeine, caffeine, caffeine)
  4. macadamia nuts (my favorite)
  5. Raisins and grapes (can cause kidney failure within 24 hours)
  6. Garlic and onions (cats are probably even more sensitive to onions than dogs)
  7. Salt
  8. yeast dough
  9. Moldy and spoiled food (again, it goes without saying)
  10. Raw salmon (feeding your dog raw food? Remember: NO SALMON!)

This is a pretty basic list. Feel free to add it if you know of other foods that can be fatal for a dog. You just have to visit our blog and the article on the foods that dogs should not eat. The well-being of our pets is what our blog is all about.

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