Your tattoos speak a lot about you. It is important that they say exactly what you want them to mean. Many times it happens that people choose a design for themselves but without good advice they come to regret their choice. And then it’s too late. The tattoo is done and they hate it.

If you are looking for Free Tattoo Advice you have come to the right place. I am a tattoo artist and I am passionate about helping people make the right decisions for themselves.
The first thing to understand is that you have to choose your tattoo yourself!
No one can tell you what to have or where to have it as you are the only one who will use it for life. Tattoos are permanent! Opinions change, fashions change, images change, what was popular ten years ago is completely undesirable today.

One nice thing about having tattoos is that once you make a decision and make it right, it gives you years of pleasure! People comment on your tattoos and that’s when you get your money back. After a few years, you don’t even notice it anymore and the tattoo becomes a part of you. Like a birthmark, it’s there on your skin and you forget about it. When it starts to fade and fade, you can update it or cover it with something totally different. This does not mean that you can carelessly choose a tattoo and expect long-term satisfaction. I met a lot of people who hate impulsive tattoos. Sometimes they are beyond help and all they can do is live with it and hate it or laser it out. Laser is nice these days, but the process is long and painful, it costs 10 times more than the tattoo itself, and there are so many things that can go wrong…

So how do you choose a tattoo that you will be happy with? The best advice I can give you is THINK.
Use your head and if you’re not sure, don’t do anything yet. It’s better to have clean skin than skin with a blemish! Once you think you know what you’d like, make an appointment with a tattoo artist of your choice. Then you’ll have more time to make sure you’ve made the right decision. If you feel like maybe it’s not a good idea, then it’s time to cancel. Do not feel bad about it. Your happiness is your own responsibility!

The choice of the tattoo artist is just as important as the choice of design. You can win or lose here. The tattoo artist can make a big difference as they will also give you free tattoo advice. Research is necessary to find the best tattoo person who can make your tattoo even better than you could have imagined.

Remember one thing: no one wants to tell you the truth about your tattoos. It’s good if you like them and are proud of them. Don’t expect people around you to point at your tattoos and say, “Hey, your tattoo stinks, go cover it up or something!” People don’t want to hurt your feelings and will never tell you what they think of your tattoos! Think about it: when you see a bad tattoo on someone, do you tell that person that his tattoo is bad or do you nod your head and say “yeah, nice”?

So here you go, make up your mind and find the best artist you can to do your tattoo for you. If it goes well, people will react like “wow”, that’s when you know you did it right. If it goes wrong, you only have yourself to blame.

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