Skeptics of handwriting analysis say they want statistics on the validity of handwriting analysis, such as those involving published medical studies. However, time and again the results of such scientific studies are shown to be unreliable due to bias (for example, the study that found the drug to be superior was sponsored by the company that makes it).

However, skeptics suggest that a handwriting analysis study should be “peer reviewed.” However, there are many studies showing that peer review does not improve the accuracy of scientific work at all.

You cannot prove that something has scientific validity. But it can prove that a practice is invalid. So far, handwriting analysis (or comprehensive astrology, or comprehensive numerology, etc.) has not yet been proven invalid. The above studies very firmly lend authenticity to the science of graphology.

Also, handwriting analysts never claim to be 100% accurate, and there is no psychological assessment tool that is 100% accurate.

Handwriting analysis is a valid complement to other testing methods. It is extremely useful for determining whether a job applicant fits a job description, saving the company time and money, as well as helping to reduce security risks. However, it does not directly predict an applicant’s success on the job.

Handwriting analysis is also extremely effective in assessing the strengths and challenges of existing employees. It can go a long way in helping to improve productivity and morale in the workplace by discovering true skills and compatibility.

Reasonable levels of accuracy are ensured if the graphologist has extensive training, for example by obtaining certification from a respected school of handwriting analysis. An analyst with a background in holistic and feature-based graphology is best, rather than just one of the two methodologies.

A graphologist’s analysis is relative to the time the writing sample was written. Although a person’s script may change a bit over time, the basic structure (organization, shape, zonal balance, spacing, etc.) usually remains the same. But it’s a good idea for the person to offer an updated writing sample for a current analysis if the person has gone through some major changes in their life, or if the last analysis they did was when they were 23 and they are now 43. For example .

For those who are still skeptical of graphology, remember that many respected scientists in the early 20th century insisted that psychology could not be a science. It took decades for psychology to be accepted as the valid science it is today.

The US Library of Congress catalogs graphology (handwriting analysis) books under the categories of psychology, document examination, and personnel selection.

“Graphologist” (handwriting analyst) is listed in the US Department of Labor’s Directory of Occupational Titles (DOT) as “miscellaneous professional.”

The US Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles lists the profession of graphologist (handwriting analyst) as follows:

199.267-038 GRAPHOLOGIST

Analyzes handwriting to assess personal characteristics: Obtains a handwriting sample to observe the general appearance of the handwriting and detailed letter formation. Measure the height of the letters and the inclination of the writing using calibrated templates. Observe individual writing strokes to determine unique or distinguishing features, using a ruler and low-powered magnifying glass or microscope. Evaluates the handwriting sample and interprets the results, in accordance with the theories of handwriting analysis. You can use a diagram to trace the characteristics of writing. GOE: 02.04.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 89

There is no evidence that handwriting analysis has caused harm in recruiting or other workplace applications.

If you insist on scientific reviews, there are many related to the science of handwriting analysis. The best that can be done is to carry out objective empirical investigations, such as those shown here (extensive list, more than 200, many from the last decade, of scientific articles published in peer-reviewed non-graphological journals since 1950): here

More than 300 handwriting indicators should be considered when conducting a comprehensive analysis. Some of the more notable considerations are as follows: consistency; compression; down strokes; elaboration; expansion; endings; fluency; shape; harmony; tickets; loops; edges; movement; organization; pressure; Rhythm; signature compared to the rest of the script; size; inclination; general arrangement and image of the space; spacing (letter, word, line, etc.); speed; zonal balance and much more.

Does some individual consideration, such as over-elaboration, override the collective body’s cumulative force of other considerations? No.

All of the hundreds of indicators in a handwriting sample taken together support or reduce the energy of any consideration. Any individual indicator must be corroborated by other indicators. The analyst weighs individual considerations and then views them in the context of the entire writing sample; the sample is dissected and then reconstructed into a profile that describes the personality.

Graphology is based on common sense. For example, the pressure of writing by hand symbolizes the emphasis on speaking; the size is representative of how much attention you want; tilt is how you react (left = withdrawn, right = outwardly expressive); writing motion is how you act (eg, seems to be moving fast equals big momentum, etc.); and the signature could be interpreted as how you want others to see you. Handwriting is like mental writing and handwriting analysis is a method of interpreting the mind.

Graphology is a valid ethical approach to help define a person’s skills and challenges, and can help employers run their businesses more efficiently (before and after hiring). It can also be used by parents, singles, couples, teachers, and anyone else seeking a greater understanding of themselves and others.

Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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