You find it everywhere. It shows up, streams through your inbox, and comes out of your TV in bite-sized nuggets. Everyone has an answer. But when it comes to your health and fitness, what’s the “right” answer?

Where do you find the recipe for a healthy, fit and fulfilling life?

Is the answer the latest fad being sold in those pesky commercials? Not likely. Is the answer a yet to be discovered pumpkin seed diet or a miracle weight loss pill? You know it isn’t.

Health experts and, more importantly, those who have successfully changed their lives, give us the answer. And yes, we already know what works. Exercising and eating sensibly is the answer, but it’s not the whole answer.

You feel that something is missing and your intuition is correct. The road to success is a process littered with doughnut-shaped minefields and seemingly insurmountable barriers. It is a road that you will not want to travel alone. Those who are having success tell us that:

  1. Share the dream. Tell everyone you know your target. If the people in your life are not supportive, you need to find those who will. This may be your biggest challenge. Attend functions, seminars, and outings that attract healthy people. For example, you will find healthy people walking in the park early in the morning, going to the gym or going for a walk during lunch. The key is to start looking today and you will find them sooner than you think.
  2. When you go out for lunch or dinner, go with a colleague or friend who is aware of your goals. You are more likely to order a sensible meal when someone encourages you. Also, choose to date healthy people or someone with a similar goal.
  3. Go grocery shopping with a friend when possible. Plan your shopping after a walk or run that includes someone willing to go grocery shopping on the way home. You are more likely to buy healthy foods when someone is with you. Also, don’t go to the supermarket hungry. Keep a healthy snack in your car or stop along the way for a sensible meal. As you shop, watch the shopping carts of fit people; they almost always contain items other than unhealthy shoppers. It is a simple observation. If you’re shopping alone, assume you have a fitness trainer waiting at home to help you unpack. Would you buy the same items?
  4. Hire a qualified fitness trainer or trainer. It’s much less expensive than most people think and definitely less expensive than hospital visits and medical bills. Hiring someone to help you is a sign of strength, a commitment to doing the right thing. Martin Luther King said it best: “The time is always right to do the right thing.” Start looking for qualified professionals right away, just looking will keep you motivated.
  5. Buy an outfit that is too small, but that you can wear after you reach an important goal, but not your long-term goal. Think of it as a small reward along the way. Plus, you’ll need some new outfits soon. Keep the outfit in a place where you will see it often – visual reminders are powerful motivators.
  6. Yes, drink plenty of water and eat four to five small meals a day whenever possible. Always eat breakfast or something before 10 am Studies suggest it helps you burn more calories and you’re less likely to eat before bed. Simple effective target.
  7. Remember, the art of living a healthy and fit life is a process and not an event. It is a lifelong journey that requires behavior change. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see significant results within the first 30 days. It takes time to change your shopping habits, schedule exercise with others, hire a fitness professional, and let your friends know about your goals.

And again, focus on your clothes, not the results – you will easily get the results once you change your clothes. A healthy lifestyle requires a bit of patience; losing a pound a week is more than 50 pounds a year. As long as you stay on the right path, you have plenty of time. You are on the path to a long, healthy and fulfilling life.

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