If you’re thinking about renovating your home in 2013, now may be the perfect time to put your holiday shopping aside for a moment and tackle those plans head-on. Because? Well, when it comes to home improvements, any professional will tell you that December is generally the slowest month of the year, and many more will tell you that your workflow almost comes to a halt. This means that not only are more contractors available, but they’re probably willing to offer some discounts to kickstart that final job of the year. Plus, unless it’s a shiny new set of cordless drills for dad, most home improvement stores don’t see the big rush that other retailers do. However, that doesn’t mean the Black Friday sales aren’t there.

Let’s take a popular renovation project as an example. Have you ever wondered at Thanksgiving if you could be cooking in a new kitchen for Christmas? Well, the truth is, with a little pre-planning and a little patience, especially with your fellow Christmas shoppers, not only can you pull it off, but you can save a lot of money doing it. Black Friday sales on name-brand appliances average 30-40% or more off regular prices. Consider using ready-to-assemble wood cabinets to save time and money, choose a countertop, and you could be drinking eggnog with the in-laws and talking about how much you saved on your new kitchen.

Digging a little deeper into the holiday sales bonanza, you’ll find great prices on everything from hardwood floors to bathroom vanities and deep discounts on tools and hardware for do-it-yourselfers who like to take matters into their own hands. his own hands.

Another big area to save is labor. Many good contractors are sitting on the sidelines during the month of December as the holidays take center stage for just about everyone. Some home improvement professionals may be willing to offer some discounts during your slow period, especially if they see that you really want to finish the job before the New Year. In addition to cost, hiring a contractor in December will likely put you front and center on the contractor’s priority list, helping you not only save money, but time as well. Remember, though, that the one place you don’t want to save time is doing the necessary research on the contractor you hire. Be sure to check their licenses, visit their stores or showrooms, and even ask for references. Unfortunately, the holidays have a way of bringing out the good and the bad in people.

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