A middle-aged woman never wore glasses until she was 40 and said she hated having to wear glasses. “I lose them or sit on them,” she said. “I keep a couple by my bed, in the kitchen, on my desk, in my car, and in my bag, but when I need them, they’re all in the bathroom,” she continued. Her struggle with the need to wear glasses is true for most people. I am fortunate in that I learned about natural vision improvement a few years ago and have been glasses free for several years. I was able to eliminate my dependence on reading glasses several years ago. At that time, if he was reading, he wore glasses. And, as many know, the glasses were never where I needed them. When I learned about eye exercises, in a few months of constant practice, I returned my eyesight to normal and eliminated the need for glasses. What is truly remarkable is that I continue to maintain my sight and am still free of glasses…and probably at 67 I would be considered past middle age!

Many believe that vision not only cannot be improved, but deteriorates with age. Most accept glasses or contact lenses and sometimes surgery as an answer. However, these options can lead to further vision impairment requiring stronger prescriptions, loss of peripheral vision, and increased reliance on glasses.

There is almost universal acceptance of the need to exercise our largest muscles, but most are unaware that vision can be improved with eye exercises. It is important to consult with an ophthalmologist to be aware of eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma and to discuss eye exercises, especially when glaucoma is diagnosed. In almost all other cases, daily eye exercises will improve vision as it did for me.

The key to vision exercises is relaxation. Body tension contributes to poor vision. The exercises include massaging the scalp, forehead, and face with special attention to the bone structure under the eyebrows and under the eyes. Relaxing the neck and jaw is important to relieve tension often carried in those areas.

Blinking helps to moisturize the eyes, removing dirt and protecting the eyes. To exercise your optic muscles, roll your eyes in a circular motion, then look up and down and to the right and left.

It is especially important for computer users to take frequent breaks and look far and near. Hold an object in front of your nose six inches from your face. Study the shape of the object, then look far away, out the window at trees, mountains, or buildings. Look again at the object. This breaks the concentration of looking at the computer screen.

I also wear pinhole glasses that could certainly be described as curious with hundreds of holes in a piece of plastic. Although they have been around for many years, like many alternative methods, they have not been promoted in recent years and some manufacturers have had their sales restricted due to FTC controls.

Wearing these glasses seems to help many eye conditions by allowing light to enter the eyes in a more diffused way, usually giving the wearer the ability to see more clearly. I learned about these goggles from a former pilot who had retired. When he got bored and chose to fly again, his eyesight deteriorated and he was unable to get his license. The only option his eye doctor offered him was bifocals, so he opted to seek alternative treatments. By using the pinhole glasses, he improved his eyesight and then he was able to fly again.

I wear these glasses particularly when using the computer, which allows my eyes to be relaxed. I think they strengthen my eyes instead of weakening them. Computer use is harmful as the eyes are always searching for something to focus on. In addition, continuous close work is known to contribute to eye problems such as nearsightedness and glaucoma, the leading cause of blindness.

Everyone knows that your eyesight is important. By adding daily eye exercises, vision improvement should occur in a short period of time. This will allow anyone to eventually transition from middle age to the next phase of life, like I have, without prescription glasses!


Go outside, close your eyes and raise your face to the sun. Move your head slowly back and forth, allowing natural light into your eyes. This allows light to enter the retina and improves overall vision. Make sure you close your eyes. Do not get the sun through the windows.

Find a comfortable position. Sit at a table with your elbows on a cushion. Place your palms on your cheekbones and cover your eyes with your fingers. Close your eyes. You should see blackness. If you see lights or colors, it means that your optic nerve is not relaxed. Longer periods of palming will help you see the blackness. If you don’t see blackness, imagine that you see the blackest night or a piece of black velvet.

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