Baseball coaches and hitting instructors from youth to professional attest that Olympic “fast twitch” muscle training dramatically improves any player’s visual acuity to become a consistent power hitter on their baseball or softball team . “‘Fast twitch’ Olympic muscle training conditions any baseball or softball player to have a longer reaction time to hit almost any pitch thrown at them, regardless of their hitting ability. Unfortunately, traditional hitting instruction it doesn’t address how to strengthen and develop ‘fast-twitch muscle movement in players,'” says Joe Magno, a leading hitting instruction expert. “Most hitting drills leave this component out, preventing players from reaching their true hitting potential.”

Testimonials from baseball and softball coaches alike have shown that this type of training has caused their players to hit the outfield line much more frequently during games, as well as drastically reducing their strikeouts, fly balls and ground balls. Olympic “fast twitch” training has been used for years to develop quickness and muscular speed in many Olympic athletes. Even boxers use this type of training to effectively prepare for a fight. Recently, baseball and softball coaches and parents have used this type of training to drastically improve the visual acuity of their players and children so that they will be consistent power hitters.

Coach Magno has helped countless players from the youth league to the professional level more than double their batting average as a result of using this training. “Having a keen eye to see any pitch with a longer reaction time is what will turn any mediocre hitter into a power hitter who gets a hit almost every time he hits. I have helped numerous players who struggled with too many strikeouts, “Low batting averages and slumps turn into consistent power hitters in a matter of days. This type of training is absolutely changing the way proper hitting instruction is taught.” To learn more about this proven strategy, visit

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