About ten years ago, I attended my grandmother’s funeral, and although it was a sad event, what stood out to me the most about that moment was how much my mother talked about the number of caregivers that passed before my grandmother passed away. I’ve tried not to think too much about it, but the reality is that my parents are getting older. Both my brother and I will have to think about finding an in-home caregiver for all of our senior needs for years to come.

To tell the truth, I don’t want to think about it, but therein lies the big problem: nobody talks about it. Everyone puts off these big discussions for later, but it’s later and there’s no dice. Eventually, ‘later’ will not be an option and difficult decisions will need to be made. The last thing anyone wants is stress when an older family member is sick. If there’s one thing that’s seen an increase in numbers, it’s that more families are discussing end-of-life planning, but there’s still a pretty big gap in the number of people talking about what they want their care to look like. advanced age.

If you and your family are at the beginning of your own discussions about elder care for a loved one, here are some ways to help you find the right home caregiver:

Prepare a list of specific care needs for your loved one – As with most things in life, what one person needs may not be on someone else’s radar. Find out what ‘elderly home care’ will mean for your family. This list will be the cornerstone of the hiring process.

Ask your friends, co-workers and others for information – It is likely that other people around you have gone through the same thing that you are embarking on. Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations and reviews from those around you. For example, if you have teachers in the family, ask them to ask the school nurse for information.

Contact the community for advice – Churches, community halls, and senior centers are places you can go for help. They each work with people of all ages and may have a few numbers you can contact.

Make the interview process all-inclusive – If your older loved one is capable of doing so, let them be a part of the caregiver interview process. Prepare a list of questions ahead of time and be sure to have as many family members present as possible. Not only does it help keep everyone informed, but it also ensures that any questions you may have missed can be raised by someone else. Finally, having more than one person there means multiple people can verify the information discussed in case it is addressed later.

The process of finding an in-home caregiver for all of your seniors’ needs is not easy. It requires a commitment of time and a willingness to work hard to choose the right person or service to fit the needs of your older loved one. The key is to make sure everyone in the family, especially the older people in your life, is involved and feels like they are being heard.

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