If you just got out of a relationship, the last thing you want to know is that your ex is in a new relationship. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry because this is just a rebound relationship. If you are wondering ‘how to tell if my ex is in a rebound relationship’ then keep reading because you will get your answer and ways to use this to your advantage.

It doesn’t matter if your ex broke up with you; Or did you break up with them? That feeling of missing someone is something we cannot ignore. If you truly believe that the breakup was a mistake, then you should give yourself some time to think about where it went wrong, because chances are if you don’t know the problems will happen again.

Most of the time, a rebound relationship happens because one person doesn’t want to deal with all the sad emotions that a breakup entails. So they stick to the next rolling thing. Although they make you think these feelings are real, rebound relationships almost never work out. Some people even know they’re in one and keep it up just to mess with you and keep their minds off of you.

If your ex jumped right into a rebound relationship, that’s actually a good sign because it means they’re not over you and may want to get back together. One of the main things your ex might do is try to flaunt the fact that she has found someone else. This is a childish tactic to make you jealous, but we are all human and we all succumb to human emotions. They want you to be jealous because that means you still care. And as hard as it is for you, you have to react as if it doesn’t bother you. This will paint the picture in their mind that you are just fine without them and start to make them realize how much they miss you and how much you really mean to them.

Other ways to tell if your ex is in a rebound relationship is that they suddenly become very secretive. There’s something they don’t want you to know and it’s probably the fact that they ‘think’ they’ve found someone else. They want to keep it a secret because they’re not over you and they’re afraid you’ll judge them even though the only reason they have the rebound is so they don’t have to think about you.

Again, the best thing to do is give the whole situation some space and remember not to accuse. More often than not, sooner rather than later, your ex will call you to ask you to talk. You know what it means.

Remember “If it was meant to be, it’s up to me” Nothing in this world happens by chance. Go make a difference in your life today

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