Many of those undergoing infertility treatment have mountains of questions for their doctor, some of which can come up throughout the process and can be difficult to anticipate. It’s best to voice any concerns you have as soon as possible to avoid complications that could have been avoided if the patient had been open with their doctor. Reveal any medical problems you have and answer any questions they ask honestly. Being open and honest can help avoid problems or confusion down the road, which only add to the already-present stress that many women go through when seeking to get pregnant with in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other procedures.

IVF involves combining sperm and eggs to create embryos, which are then transferred to the uterus for implantation. Since many do not understand the procedure or the science behind it, it is not uncommon for couples to have questions during the procedure. If you have a yeast infection, be sure to tell your doctor right away. They can even tell you what to do over the phone to save you a trip to the clinic. Higher levels of estrogen, such as during pregnancy, when taking hormone therapy, or even when taking a high dose of estrogen birth control pills, can be a cause of yeast infections. It is not uncommon to develop this while taking fertility drugs or during pregnancy, so do not hesitate to tell your doctor so they can recommend the appropriate treatment.

You may be given a cream or ointment to treat the infection, as oral medication may not be recommended for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Some opt for more natural treatment options that they may hear from others or that may be recommended by their doctor or a nurse on the office staff. You may hear that yogurt, garlic, and cranberry juice can be helpful. Talk to a professional for advice on natural treatments, which can be very effective for some women.

Yeast infections can be stressful for the mother and can cause discomfort. Higher levels of stress or anxiety can lead to problems with the mother’s health and, consequently, the child’s health. Keeping stress and anxiety low during pregnancy is often recommended by many specialists and medical professionals, so talking to your doctor and treating the infection quickly is often important.

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