With the recent Supreme Court decision making law in the United States of America that gay and lesbian couples can marry, I have been struck by the polar opposites of Christian views. One thing everyone agrees on is that this world we live in is getting darker and darker. I’m sure a lot of people are posting YouTube videos right now saying we are at the end of time.

As a prophet and someone who listens to God, I am often struck by how worried, anxious, and fearful some Christians are becoming. People who post about the end times often have sad, depressing, and scary things to say. One verse that they tend to neglect throughout their preaching is this verse that has yet to be fulfilled.

Habakkuk 2:14

14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Do you know what this verse means?

Two people will be walking down the street and one person will be seen getting out of a wheelchair while one person prays for them, and one of them will say, “That’s amazing. Did you see that person shine and what did they do?” And the other person will casually tell their friend. “Yes, that is the glory of the Lord.”

You see, folks, the miraculous will be so common that the average believer and unbeliever will have a working knowledge of the various manifestations of God’s glory. You know it may be getting dark and scary, but such exciting times are ahead? I believe that we are currently ten or twenty years away from the greatest revivals in this world, greater revivals than the world has ever seen. This is not the time to get sad and depressed, because the darker it gets, the more the saints of God will shine with the manifest glory of the Lord.

A time is coming when passionate Christians will shine with such glory that their faces will shine like the sun. These Christians will walk in the gifts of the Spirit and when people see them shine, they will flock to them for help like seagulls flock to fries on the beach when you feed them.

How do I know that people’s faces will shine like the sun? Because my face has shone like this four times in my life. I bear witness to that in my book, “Your Identity in Christ.”

When will this glory come to the people?

Scripture says when deep darkness covers the earth.

Isaiah 60: 1-3

1 Arise, shine; because your light has come! And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise over you, and his glory will be seen over you.

3 Gentiles will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

See this? Can you see that the world will soon know what the glory of the Lord is when they see people walking shining like the sun and when a person in a wheelchair begs them to heal, get up and walk?

How many of you are excited now? Do you want to be one of these wonderful healing witnesses to the world? Do you want to shine like the sun and be a guide for people and be so helpful that people come to you every time you go out? This has been prophesied and is yet to be fulfilled before the end of time. Daniel spoke of these healers in the last days when he wrote:

Daniel 12: 3

3 The wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who bring justice to many like the stars forever and ever.

Then, what are you going to do? Are you going to get sad, worried and worried about the way the world is going and how dark it is getting, or are you going to grow intimate with Jesus and be one of those people who shine like the sky, and who wins? many people to the Lord, and shine like a star forever? Darkness is coming. Some would say that it is already here. Now is the time to shine.

Let’s close in prayer

Dear father,

I want to be so close to you. I want to be closer and closer to you to be wise and to be a servant who can serve you and shine with your glory. Dear God, show me how I can be used to save crowds in these dark times. Show me your glory, shine your glory on me and let me bring the knowledge of your glory to the world I live in. In the name of Jesus, I ask. Amen.

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