With students of all ages heading back to school, it’s important to address backpack safety. In my 34 years of practicing chiropractic, I have seen numerous cases where improper use of a backpack caused a young person to develop a painful musculoskeletal problem. This article will discuss the safe use of backpacks. It will also provide information from a recent research journal on backpacks, their risks, and preventative measures to reduce injuries.

We all know that a heavy backpack can cause musculoskeletal problems for the wearer. The neck, mid back, and lower back are especially susceptible to injury. If the upper part of the neck is irritated, it can also cause a person to develop headaches.

The Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, March 2019, published a study showing the exams of 160 students and revealed that the average student’s backpack weighs the equivalent of 18% of their body weight, which is over 10 -15% recommended by experts to reduce the risk of backpack-related musculoskeletal pain. In addition, the researchers observed that while wearing a backpack, students had a more forward head posture, which may increase the risk of neck and shoulder pain.

If the backpack is the cause of the pain conditions, we must address what can be done to correct the situation. Prevention is the key. The first step to take is to minimize the transported weight as much as possible. If a person does not have to carry textbooks at all, this would be preferable. To achieve this, online methods can help. Many courses found in textbooks are also available online. This would allow a student to keep their textbooks at school and still be able to study at home through online means. In the same way, it might be possible to buy a second set of inexpensive books to keep at home.

If these options are not available, it is important to address the backpack itself. Look for a backpack with two wide padded straps. Make sure the straps are tight so the pack is as close to the body as possible. Encourage the student to use both straps instead of just one. Some backpacks have a waist strap to help distribute the weight more evenly.

Use all backpack compartments wisely. It is best to place the heaviest items in the center of the pack, which will also distribute the weight across the core of the body providing the most secure way to carry the load.

Encourage the student to tell you if they are in pain. It is important not to ignore a student who has a bad back. It is very common for students of all ages to develop back pain. As a chiropractor, I see young people with back pain on a regular basis. If pain develops, a chiropractic examination and possible treatment can correct the cause of the pain most of the time.

With a little forethought and prudence, going back to school and using a backpack can do what needs to be done without causing physical problems.

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