To earn more money, you need to understand what money is.

Money is a physical representation of compensation for an emotional or energetic exchange of services or products, between a supplier and a recipient. The provider and recipient can be individuals, organizations, or a combination of both.

Money is a measure of the perceived value and quality of the service or product provided, as perceived by the recipient. The perceived value depends on several things.

Is the service or product rare and of high quality? However, is it more common and more readily available? Is it something that almost anyone with little or no special training or talent can provide? These variables influence the “perceived value” of the service or product offered by the provider.

For example: a rock star is unique and highly compensated; while a member of the choir volunteers and sings for non-monetary compensation.

An actor is unique and is also highly compensated compared to an extra, who is paid a scale, or even less.

A best-selling novelist is uniquely talented and receives great compensation for his writing, while a magazine article writer will earn an industry standard salary.

So when we think about making money, we have to think in terms of the services provided: their quality and availability.

The scope of this article is limited to making or earning money as a source of monetary gain. Gifts, earnings, inheritance, and accidental acquisitions (i.e. finding a lost wallet), although mentioned, are not considered a source of money in this discussion.

Now, let’s talk about the mistakes you may be making that will keep you bankrupt and what you can do about it.

Mistake # 1: There is no action plan to earn more money

This means that you simply agree, hoping that fate or a stroke of luck will provide you with the necessary income or windfall that will provide you with the financial prosperity and security you seek.

So you float like a ship without a sail, without a plan or vision to assure you that you will have the money you need to live your life now; and no action defined to provide for your future retirement. You may not even know that you need a plan.

Instead, this is what you should do:

Money seems hard to come by for you; But there are prosperous and prosperous people around you. You see the evidence that money is abundant and yet you never have enough.

Obviously, there is no shortage of money in the universe; So the question is, how can you tap into the limitless source of abundance and prosperity that surrounds you?

You can start by believing that you may tap into that source. Then research your options. What is available to you now? What do you need to do or learn to have better opportunities in the future?

What are your dreams … your passions? Can you make money with them? Can you modify them to make them profitable?

A great first step is to network with other successful people and follow their lead. Then create your own plan for career change or starting a business to help you reach your goals.

But by far the best way is to hire a life coach who specializes in helping people plan for their future. Your coach should have proven methods and systems available for you to use to give you an advantage. They should also provide support and guidance between sessions to help accelerate your progress.

Error n. # 2: failing to deliver on opportunities and ideas presented to you

The opportunities are all around you; you will have many of them to choose from during your life. You can also have your own money making ideas for a product or business. But, if you don’t meet any of them, nothing will happen.

These wonderful opportunities for financial freedom are gifts from the Universe; they are most likely an answer to your prayers. But if you don’t step out of your comfort zone and take advantage of them, you won’t be able to experience the benefits and success that could be yours.

Here’s another question: Do you let the people around you, the naysayers, and the skeptics convince you of your dream? Or worse yet, does it convince you of your dream?

Do you let your fear, insecurity, and lack of faith in yourself get in the way? Have you ever thought, who am I to dream so big and aspire to so much wealth?

Well … who are you to ‘NOT’ dream so big and aspire to great wealth? You are a highly favored child of an abundant universe. And everything in it is yours by divine right … simply because you were born!

So this is what you can do instead:

Start keeping a journal of your dreams and ideas, until you have 5 or 10 to consider. Take a few days or weeks to see which ones you are passionate about, when you think about making or making that dream come true.

Then choose the top 3 and start researching what it will take to make this happen. Be sure to research the market to see if you can make money doing what you have chosen.

If you can make money, it is a possibility. If you can’t, it’s a hobby. This process will help you narrow down your options even more. Once the research is done, you should be able to make a decision and then planning can begin.

Then begin to visualize what it looks like; how it will feel to make that dream or goal come true. Then get down to work and believe that you can do it. If you need more education or training, sign up for classes or find a partner.

If you need partners or mentors … start networking with like-minded people who can capture your vision and help you move forward.

Mistake # 3: illusions

Perhaps you are a great procrastinator and are always procrastinating. If it never starts, there is nothing you can do. But let’s face it … we all procrastinate.

It is a pattern of behavior that can be overcome because it is really just fear in disguise. With the right training, tools, and practices, you can reduce or completely eliminate their power and influence over you and your success.

To be successful, you must find ways to motivate yourself beyond your fear. If you really want to make your dreams come true, this is one of the critical barriers that you must overcome.

Instead, this is what you should do:

To realize your dream, you must have determination, focus, and courage. Believe in yourself, believe you can do it, go ahead and act.

Do what you need to to motivate yourself and learn to act even when you feel challenged.

Everything that the mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve. If you think you can have money, cars, houses and the life of your dreams … you can! If you think you can’t … you can’t.

Start from where you are right now and make the decision to be successful. Then move forward, grab the golden ring and shoot towards the moon. You could be right!

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