A great storyteller captivates his audience, weaving words like a tapestry to create vivid images in the minds of listeners. He knows when to bring in other characters or supporting pieces to bring the story to life. A great storyteller is believable, in a way, simply because he probably has a great story to tell; he colors every detail and chooses every word to pique the listener’s interest.

When it comes to your story, how cool is it? If you’re in an elevator and you only have four floors to explain what you’re doing, can you do it? If you’re in a business meeting, is your “story” delivered the same way it was in the elevator? If you’re a presenter at a conference, how do you share your story in a short introduction or program description?

If you are talking about your business, then you are the storyteller and your brand is the story. What impression do you give to your captive audience? Are you weaving that colorful square or just reciting the same old line?

According to Scott Bedbury, former CMO of Nike and Starbucks, “A brand is a metaphorical story that…connects to something very deep: a fundamental human appreciation of mythology…Companies that manifest this sensibility…invoke something very powerful.”

That “something” is emotion. Whether it’s a feeling of security and confidence or the excitement of unknown possibilities, great brands have the ability to touch the hearts of customers. Companies can offer superior products and services or super competitive prices, but the most loyal of customers will embrace the brand story, especially if they feel they can be a part of the story.

So how do you know if your story is resonating with your customers so they make a connection to your brand and who you are as a company? What steps can you take to refine your brand and business message to stand out from the competition? Here are some ideas to get started:

– KISS: Keep it simple, stupid! There’s a natural appeal to getting super creative with developing a brand identity and message, but if the message isn’t direct, you’ll fall short: your customers just won’t “get it” and won’t be able to find an emotional connection. Think about your choice of words, tone, and style. Keep it simple and direct. Don’t leave your customers guessing what your brand is. Make the vision crystal clear.

– Develop a positioning statement: What does it stand for? What are your core values? Why should a client choose you over a competitor’s VAR? Think about your value proposition, and then discuss the story of how it actually became your business. Chances are there will be some good nuggets and an “aha” moment that will allow you to dig into the core of what your business is and what it stands for.

– Once you tell your story, make sure you live it and breathe it: OK, that sounds pretty simple, right? But if you’re telling your customers and prospects how you’re different from everyone else, you’d better be prepared to prove it, over and over again. Because your story must be solid and infallible. And everyone who works for you must also believe in the story. It has to be ingrained in your employees so that they all tell the exact same story. Be consistent in your message, not just in an ad or email, but in how you think and do things every day.

– Spread the good word: Consistently use your story and message in everything you create. The relentless repetition (and delivery on message promises) will reinforce your brand, positioning you as a leader and resource.

It’s fun to tell stories and even better to listen to them. Best-selling authors or award-winning musicians don’t randomly sit down and write an entire novel or song lyrics. They take calculated steps to develop and tell a particular story, typically one that is close to the heart. Your story should be no different. Your brand depends on it.

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