N. Walker is a man who is often referred to as the “father of juices” and is also believed to have lived over one hundred and twenty years. He was not the father of juicing for steroids. He got his nickname for his famous vegetable juice. He drank vegetable juice to promote a healthy colon and whole body health. After reading N. Walker’s book, I immediately took steps to cleanse my own colon.

I contacted a colon cleansing therapist and arranged for a popular procedure known as a colon hydrotherapy session to be performed. The whole process was very painless and did not take time. You just lie on a table with your knees against your chest and your butt exposed. The therapist will gently insert a plastic tube into your anus and slowly begin pumping warm, purified water into the colon. It’s a very strange feeling at first, but you get used to it after a while. Once the pressure builds it can get a bit uncomfortable, but you will completely forget about it once you let the water drain out and remove all the accumulated debris.

I really didn’t know what to think of myself at the time. I was lying bare behind on the clinic table with a hose on my butt and watching my own fecal matter flow through a second larger hose as it washed off my body. I admit it was a bit embarrassing, but it’s nothing the hydrotherapist hasn’t seen before.

The hydrotherapist fills the colon until the pressure is greater than it is expected to be able to withstand and then allows it to flush through the waste disposal tube. This is done approximately three times during a single session, and the entire time the therapist will massage your stomach to help expel accumulated waste. It is really very relaxing! After about an hour, the session ends and you are allowed to go to the bathroom and naturally get rid of any remaining water or debris.

After my first hydrotherapy session, I scheduled another one for the following week. As soon as I left the clinic I felt much lighter and more energetic and knew that I was on the right track to restore my health again. The therapist warned me that I might get very tired and want to sleep all day after the first session. I did! I was so exhausted. I found this to be quite common with the initial session as eliminating all that waste that has accumulated over the years can be very taxing on the body. The fatigue passes after a little rest and you are soon back on your feet and stronger than ever.

Immediately after my next session something happened that I never expected and I was quite surprised. I had developed a bright red rash in large patches all over my abdomen and it slowly spread to other parts of my body over the course of a week or so. I consulted the hydrotherapist about the eruptions and they assured me that they were in fact a direct result of the colonic hydrotherapy session. You see, when your body gets rid of all that toxic waste, it begins to fully detox by getting rid of the leftover toxins in any way it can. In my case I was sweating them. The toxins are what caused the rash! After a couple of weeks, everything cleared up and she hasn’t been back since.

There was another very strange unexpected thing that happened to me after my third session. He couldn’t stand red meat anymore! It would literally make me feel really bad. I’m a steak and potato guy, so the sudden lack of red meat in my diet was a pretty strange twist. Even now, after all this time, I can’t eat a big juicy New York tenderloin burger without feeling nauseous. Something about red meat no longer suits my digestive system. The hydrotherapist suggested that my body reacts this way because he is trying to warn me that red meat is not good for me. It would be as if someone smoked tobacco for a long time, quit for a long time, and then suddenly started again. They would surely turn green. At least it’s better for my health and poultry and fish are still on the menu.

Despite the weird things that went along with it, I am very satisfied with my colon hydrotherapy sessions in general. I feel much healthier than I could remember and I have the satisfaction of knowing that my body is free of all those nasty toxins. I would definitely recommend hydrotherapy to everyone. Not only will it make you feel better, but you will be able to maintain your health for much longer. After all, a diseased colon is a killer!

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