I know how it feels! You fire up your Xbox 360 looking for some boxing rounds in Fight Night Round 3 or to join the war with Call of Duty 4 and all you get instead of the board is flashing red lights.

You think “Oh no!” and turn off your Xbox 360 and pretend you didn’t see them, but when you turn it back on, they’re still there!

Then you realize that your Xbox 360 has given up on you and is broken.

Well fear not as this article will tell you 3 tips you can try to fix red lights:

  1. The first thing you can try is to remove the hard drive and all the cables from the back and plug them back in and see if that works as a lot of the problems are caused by loose connectors and unplugging everything will reboot the console and will (hopefully) sort out the problem for you.
  2. The second thing you can try is to lift the power brick off the ground and place it on top of an open box. Sounds weird I know but if you notice that the power brick has fans inside that pump air in and if you do this it will help keep the Xbox cooler!
  3. Lastly, keep the Xbox in a cooler place so it can ventilate better and you may just find it works, just leave it by the window for about 3 hours before trying it and it may have cooled down enough to work .

If these tips don’t work for you, you’ll need to return it to Microsoft or fix the problem yourself.

I hope this article helped you fix your Xbox and you can get back to gaming soon!

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