Pathological narcissistic abuse

psychological warfare and brainwashing

Written by Randi Fine

Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Guidance with Randi Fine

Pathological narcissistic abuse is far more damaging than any of us can conceive of. Make no mistake about it: it is as much psychological warfare as it is mind control.

Various psychological warfare techniques, also known as “psyops,” have been used since the dawn of time by warlords, bosses, malevolent dictators, and in espionage operations to extract information and elicit desired reactions from captives.

Mind control, also known as brainwashing or coercive persuasion, is the method used by cults to systematically break someone’s sense of identity.

Narcissists use both tactics and for the same goals.

The abuse campaigns of pathological narcissists can be verbal, physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, sexual, and/or financial. They learn where their targets are particularly vulnerable and then attack.

Believing that they are the victims in every situation and everyone else their enemies, puts them forever on the defensive. Their very survival depends on them “getting” you before you “get” them.

Any perceived attack triggers the deep-seated pain of the narcissist. He despises this aspect of himself and unconsciously tries to annihilate it by using his false self. Unable to contain himself when he activates, he must project his hatred outward and kill a tangible target, hence the abuse. He doesn’t want to hurt himself so he hurts others. Unable to feel what others feel or experience remorse or guilt for the pain he inflicts on others, that’s easy for him.

As empathic people who have the ability to put themselves in the shoes of others, we cannot understand the mindset of the narcissist. Our eyes deceive us. Seeing people who look and act like us in all other respects inclines us to assume that they feel emotions in the same way that we do.

Fully aware that others think that way, narcissists use it to their advantage. Unable to imagine that someone else has the capacity for such cruelty, we are vulnerable to their manipulations. That’s how they catch us.

No matter the nature of the relationship we have with narcissists, we are nothing more than an end to a means to them. If being nice to us gets them what they want, they’ll be nice. But they are not nice people or patient people. Pleasure is the longest and most difficult path to your destiny. They can only keep it up for so long.

Narcissists are motivated by one main goal; gaining control over their victims in order to have captive narcissistic supply. Abuse is the natural inclination of the narcissist. They have a great resistance to the terrorist attacks that they systematically launch against others.

Narcissists are innovative and resourceful in their craft. Some tactics are more easily recognized than others, although all are destructive.

Stealthy abuse is a surreptitious form of narcissistic psychological abuse that is perpetrated behind closed doors. Victims of stealthy abuse cannot recognize what is happening to them while it is happening. They know something is wrong with the way they are being treated, but they can’t figure out exactly what it is. Unable to identify the source of the problem, victims look within themselves for answers and ultimately take the blame.

Because stealthy abuse is unseen and leaves no physical marks, it is very difficult for outsiders to recognize, therefore easy for them to trivialize. Victims seeking credibility for their accounts of abuse among friends, family, and the community can never find it.

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