Is there a dragon in your life? I’m talking about the “fire-breathing” person whose irrational behavior makes you feel like you have to constantly be monitor your words and actions to ward off his angry outbursts? Maybe you tell yourself it’s not a big deal because you can do what you have to to keep the peace… Change your plans, disappoint others who are less volatile, put aside your own desires… whatever necessary… to keep peace with the dragon.

The truth is that you are only feeding the dragon. Just like we use treats to train a dog be obedient, we also form people be dragons allowing them to manipulate and control us. Some dragons are very aware of what they are doing and their actions are intentional, others are just doing what we trained them to do.

Dragons disguise themselves in many clever ways. your dragon maybe your boss, your spouse, your ex-spouse, your child, a parent or a friend. Some dragons are charming and catch you doing things for you that you don’t want to do for yourself. These helpful gestures may have an emotional bill attached to them and the dragon is likely to call you due. whenever suits him or her. Other dragons hold you hostage by threatening to withhold or take something from you. Dragons are known to keep us in line, telling or showing us that they will harm us physically or emotionally, if we dare cross them. Dragons are bullies.

The only way to get rid of dragons or live in peace with them is to stop feeding them. That idea could be very scary. Just the thought of waking a sleeping dragon is enough to stop some of us. It may seem be It’s safer to go along with whatever keeps the dragon quiet, but imagine how good it would feel not to have to walk on eggshells all the time.

When we give control of our lives, even small parts of our lives, to a dragon, eventually begin lose sight of our own identity. Our ability to make decisions diminishes, we doubt our own wisdom, and we lose touch with who we really are. Donation in to the demands of a dragon can also affect our physical health. Your physical body is directly connected to your mental and emotional well-being. Depression, eating disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and accelerated aging are just some of the ways our bodies can manifest on the outside what we are feeling on the inside. What would it mean to you if you could be your true self with everyone, including your dragon?

Appeasing a dragon is a habit that forms slowly over time. Fortunately, you don’t have to change your habit overnight. Instead, all you need to do is take one small step toward change. Just start noticing when you are feeding the dragon.

One of the most common ways we place a dragon is by saying “yes” to something we’d rather say “no” to. If you find it difficult to say “no”, start practicing saying “no” or speaking up in situations with non-dragons. As you become more comfortable with being around others, you will naturally start be more like you around your dragon. Another way we feed our dragon is when we always do things the dragon’s way. In this case, just ask for more fair The give and take division in the relationship could be enough to change the dynamics of your relationship.

Sometimes, if the dragon values ​​the relationship and is willing to change, it can start to change its thoughts and behave in a more fair way. fashion. Unfortunately, most Dragons are not willing to change and it becomes necessary to leave the relationship. If your dragon is an unreasonable member of the family, and you can’t or won’t cut off all contact, you’ll need to develop the courage to tell him “no” as necessary and do everything you can to limit the time you spend with him. .

What is the first step you should take to loosen your dragon’s grip on you?

Important Message: If you are in a relationship with someone who is addicted or physically abusive, seek help from a therapist, counselor, or crisis center. This could be a dangerous situation. You may want to have someone who has the training and experience to help and support you as you extricate yourself from this unstable or abusive situation.

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