There is no worse anti-smoker than a reformed smoker! They are a bigger headache with their sanctimonious attitude than those who have never smoked. They seem to have forgotten the day that they, too, were addicted to the drug nicotine and also derived twisted pleasure from their dependency. Don’t you remember all those times when you used to humiliate yourself in front of your non-smoking friends and family and ask them if it’s okay to smoke in their cars, homes or workplace etc.? However, the moment they quit, it is; ‘Get away from me with that disgusting disgusting cigarette’Prayed ‘Can’t you blow your smoke somewhere else?’and other sanctimonious comments!

Not long ago, I was walking the narrow streets of central London with a reformed smoking friend. It was early in the morning and there were many trucks and vans unloading the products from him, all of which spewed choking exhaust fumes our way. However, when I dared to light a cigarette, my friend protested and asked me to walk behind her, as the smoke from my burning little Marlborough was irritating her throat! Honestly, reformed smokers are a pain in the ass. But she reads on, as the hypocrisy is staggering!

Later that day, he got into his Dodge Durango 4.7 V8 4WD and went to pick up the kids from school, which, by the way, is only half a kilometer from his house. That engine of his is probably one of the most polluting cars today, though he dares to complain about the tiny plume of smoke emitted by a single cigarette outdoors. Yet she drives by expelling all those exhaust pollutants from her gas-guzzling four-wheel drive.

Reformed smokers: the worst enemy of smokers!

Look, some of us smoke because we want to. Others smoke because they feel they have to. Many smokers smoke simply because they really enjoy it despite the consequences. As long as it’s legal and we abide by the laws of the land, and only light up in designated areas, then the smoke squad should stay out of it! One might think that those who ‘have never smoked’ would be the most opposed. In fact, they are the most understanding and tolerant. It is these reformed smokers holier than you who are the worst enemies of a smoker.

Can you believe that a couple of people I used to smoke with and have since quit actually make rude and derogatory comments whenever they see me or anyone else smoking outside the office? I mean, these people used to be part of our smoking clan for yelling out loud, and now they’re anti-tobacco.

In fact, they have the audacity to murmur audible sarcastic comments as they walk past us smokers. It is not uncommon to hear them pronounce things like: “Look at those people who use the streets and the doors as their personal ashtray. If I see them throwing their butts on the ground or throwing their butts in the streets, I will report them.” Honestly, have they forgotten when they were fellow smokers, standing out from the rest of us enjoying their nicotine fix? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Reformed smokers seem to think they have a duty to educate the world about the dangers of smoking, but their approach does little to make people sit up and listen. His method seems to be to belittle the smoker at every opportunity in an attempt to make him feel like some kind of lower class or social outcast. According to them, we dress up, we are selfish, we stink, we are messy, we are a fire hazard, and just to put the icing on the anti-smoking cake, we are a hazard. for the health and well-being of those around us.

Enough is enough!

For all you reformed smokers out there doing good, here’s a news flash for you: Smoking is legal. We are no longer allowed to smoke inside the workplace nor are we. The same goes for restaurants, movie theaters, and coffee shops. We all meet in designated smoking areas and respect all places designated as no-smoking areas. Our cigarette smoke releases fewer pollutants into the atmosphere than gasoline-guzzling cars. So do us smokers a favor and get out of our business and mind your own!

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