Renting student accommodation in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is a vibrant city that offers students a range of accommodation options. Whether you are looking for luxury student apartments in the heart of the city, or a more modest flat share with a group of housemates, there are plenty of choices to suit your budget and lifestyle.

Whether you prefer to live in an apartment or a flatshare, it is best to start searching for a place to stay as early as possible. This is because Edinburgh student accommodation is in high demand and can be very difficult to find at times, especially during the spring and around exam time when most students are trying to secure a property for the following year.

A good idea is to look on sites such as Citylets which offers rooms and flats for rent by private landlords as well as letting agencies. This site allows you to search in specific areas of the city and gives you an overview of all available properties in that area. It is worth mentioning that many landlords will list their rental prices per month (PCM) which can be confusing if you are not used to this system and will often make it appear as though properties are much cheaper than they really are.

Renting student accommodation in Edinburgh, what to check in the housing inventory

It is also worth focusing on finding somewhere within a reasonable distance of your university. This will help you keep your costs down as it will be cheaper to travel by bus than to drive a car. Many neighbourhoods such as Marchmont, Leith and Leith are ideal for this as they are close to the University and offer reasonable bus services that connect with the rest of the city.

Another good tip is to search for a flatshare with people that you know or are in the same situation as you. This can make the process a lot easier and will mean that you can go viewings together which is always helpful when it comes to renting edinburgh student flats.

Once you have found your perfect flat, it is worth ensuring that it has all of the essentials such as gas, electricity and broadband. You should also check that any bills are included in the price of the rent as this will save you from any surprises once you move in.

Once you have settled into your student accommodation in Edinburgh, there is a lot to see and do. From taking a stroll up to Arthur’s Seat, the extinct volcano that overlooks the city centre, to getting lost in Holyrood Park or partying until the early hours in Cowgate, Edinburgh is a fantastic place for students to explore. The thriving club and music scene and liberal licensing laws mean that there is something for everyone here.

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