If one of your family members is a four-legged little one who says “meow,” you may have noticed that from time to time their skin may appear irritated. If your cat has problems that cause itching, or you notice that his skin is scaly and dry, he may have sensitive skin. Cats can have sensitive skin just like people, although we don’t think about this all the time, because all we see on our cats is fur. However, there are many things that can cause your cat to have irritated and dry skin. Before you rush to the vet for an expensive visit, know that there are a few things you can do to help your cat feel more comfortable and have healthier skin.

If you give your cat regular baths, make sure you don’t give your cat a harsh shampoo. Some pet owners use flea shampoo every time they bathe their cats because they want to keep fleas away. However, there are some pretty harsh ingredients in this type of shampoo. Instead of bathing your cat with flea shampoo, try some type of flea collar or repellant. Swap out the flea shampoo for a baby shampoo or cat shampoo designed for sensitive skin. Kitten shampoo is usually gentler and more soothing than other types.

Another thing you can do is switch foods and see if it makes a difference. There is always the possibility that your cat is experiencing a food allergy that could dry out the skin, irritate it or make it itchy. If you try a different food for a week and notice that your cat seems fine as far as her skin is concerned, you may want to make a permanent change. Sometimes this is all it takes to get your cat back on track and relieve itchy, irritated skin problems in your cat. However, sometimes it has nothing to do with food and your cat just has sensitive skin. In this case, you want to find something that will help the skin heal and make your cat more comfortable.

Shea butter is great for cats with itchy, dry skin. It is full of healthy vitamins and minerals that protect a cat’s skin and heal it. Keeps your cat’s skin hydrated and relieves itching and irritation. It is very easy to use shea butter for your cat. Simply rub it between your hands to warm and melt it a bit, and rub it into your cat’s fur and even her skin. Be sure to get a generous amount on your skin so that the shea butter works to combat skin irritants. It will help get rid of the reason your cat is experiencing itchy skin and will work to make your cat more comfortable while the skin heals.

We love our cats and we hate to see them miserable. Using the tips and ideas above will really help your cat get back on track soon. This makes him a happy cat. When the cat is happy and satisfied, so is its owner!

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