A juice fast should be used sparingly as a way to help the body cleanse itself. It should not be used as a substitute for solid foods. Switching to a real food diet (eliminating refined foods and eating only vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains) is recommended before doing a juice fast. A juice fast is very beneficial when done correctly. It consists of drinking only freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice (or squeezed in a juicer). Do not combine vegetables and fruits. Separate drinking the two juices by two hours. This can be done for up to seven days, twice a year. In severe cases of toxic buildup, one can do the juice fast every three months.

There are six benefits to a juice detox.

1. A juice detox will restore health to the chronically ill.
2. It will cleanse the digestive, lymphatic and glandular systems.
3. Detoxification tones all cells and glands, resulting in the revitalization of the body.
4. Removes hardened deposits in joints and muscles.
5. A cough juice helps to lose weight.
6. It will normalize the metabolism.

When the body shows signs of toxic buildup, it’s time for a cleanse in the form of a detox juice. Chronic conditions such as sinusitis, arthritis, gout, acid reflux, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, weight loss, bloating, indigestion, or intestinal disorders are indications that toxins have built up in your body and need to be removed. A detox juice will help flush out toxins. Nourishes and cleanses at the same time. Nutrients necessary for cell function are disrupted when toxins are introduced into the body and the body responds in the form of pain or any of the above conditions. When this happens, you need to give your body what it needs: a detox. Try a detox juice and feel better, lose weight and be healthy.

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