Number one: Release yourself from the work of saving the world and taking care of the care and well-being of yourselves. Is there something you need to function better? How’s the chair you sit in all day? Is it good for the back? Do you need to get tested for something? Have you incorporated exercises into your daily life that you have been meaning to do for a while? Take care and do for yourself, in March.

Expect to realign associations: Because the split is sure to follow if you don’t share values, expect to realign, make adjustments, or change partnerships if you and your partner aren’t on the same page. In the process, practice communication skills, emphasizing trying to come up with ways that work, first.

Reach out to people this spring: Make new friends, enter new social experiences – catch the spirit of adventure that is in the air, urging people to go and get involved in something new. This is the way to increase your pleasure and have a richer life. Spring is a feeling in everyone’s heart in March.

In the air: This seems to be a time when you change, or something happens to you anyway that creates a change: everyone bends and grows in some new way, and comes into new associations with themselves. If you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything for a minute, be still and see what happens to you when you stop and calm down and feel open to choose.

The pictogram: To interpret, it seems like there is a large-scale event or outburst of anger involving a lot of people, and it is both a surprise and something to be expected.

March 2009 Psychic Guidance for the Astrological Signs

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): You have passed some test; it is very likely that something will turn out well. You get a major thumbs up from the world, and you might even get to tour it!

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Fire signs have questions about their changing identity: they are very aware of personal change. It is an experience to live, not so much to ask questions. Just living it and making decisions makes it clear.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): You deal with changes in associations, if not supportive, and more will be clarified later in March. It is not a good time to spend money to increase business. Wait to see what is really happening before you act.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Now is the time to accept the truth and find out what associations are stuck or where you need to go. You are emboldened to act on your awareness of the big picture and follow the points of destiny.

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