I’m sure everyone is familiar with YouTube and Yahoo Videos. These are just two of the many sites that have great videos available for people to watch for free.

Did you know that people are making a lot of money from their videos? Well they are.

Here are some simple steps to show you how you can easily ride the money making wave.

1. You will need a site.

Try to think of a funny name for your video site. Have fun trying to think of catchy names. A catchy, unique and memorable name is key to not only getting traffic but also keeping traffic. Think of something that would make people want to watch the video. Nothing can be too strange!

2. Create or find a video.

You can easily grab videos from other video sites, there are many sites, google them. But there are also sites that will let you upload the videos they’ve already posted so you don’t have to create one yourself. So getting the videos for your funny video website can be quick and easy. But creating your own is also a lot of fun.

3. The fun part… CASH

Earning some money with your site will consist of different ways and flows. From banner ads or actual products that you can list for sale on your site and receive a paycheck. That’s how it is! You don’t even need to have your own product to sell. You can sell other people’s products! This way you don’t worry about anything except getting paid!

Combining different income streams will generate a consistent income stream as long as your traffic increases.

4. How to set up your site.

There are many programs you can get to build a site. They have become very easy to use. A good “making a video website” book or manual will show you exactly what you need to do and give you inside access to sources that can make things easier. Now if this triggers your trigger, I have more where this came from. I can show you how to make more money working at home than at a WORK

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