I’m reading a great book called The 28 Laws of Attraction by Thomas J. Leonard, and it has such valuable information between its covers that I thought I’d share it in a series of mini-reviews.

I’ve based my business model (and pretty much my entire life) on the Law of Attraction, so I was curious what Mr. Leonard had to say. This initial review of his book deals with the first chapter, get incredibly selfish.

Selfishness does not have to be negative. We can also think of it as making sure that our needs are met in a reasonable and responsible manner; It doesn’t have to mean being self-centered or insensitive. One can start by making a list of what they think their needs are, realizing that there is a big difference between needs and wants. Needs can be defined as what you require to live and be fully yourself; wants to provide gratification. If you’re interested in some basic but in-depth work on needs, google ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy’.

Next, know what you want and don’t be afraid to say it. At some point in his life, she has probably found herself in the position of trying to figure out what someone else needs. It’s awkward, to say the least. Once we have clearly communicated who we are and what we want, everyone can relax and carry on with whatever interaction it is. And face it, creativity and excellence require a degree of selfishness!

It always amazes me how many people are genuinely reluctant to be selfish in a positive way. Pretend it’s your birthday if you have to, but have fun with this! Here’s a challenge: spend the next seven days doing something very selfish every day. Make a list of seven things you really want, or want to do, but haven’t been able to give yourself (sleep in, go to the movies, buy something you’ve been craving). Decide that you deserve these things and go get them, one each day for the entire week. It really feels good to take care of yourself this way, so enjoy!

The value of becoming selfish is giving yourself room to grow your strengths. In one way or another, we are all gifted and talented people, but these attributes cannot flourish and expand without nourishment. You owe it to yourself to create an environment in which they can flourish, and yes, that includes learning to say, “No“. Creating what Leonard calls “a positively selfish focus on balance, well-being, and quality of life.”

The well-being of which he speaks, of course, includes minimizing the stress of your life. Identify your stressors and remove them or find a constructive method to reduce the effects. Restructuring one’s finances to reduce stress and committing to regular exercise are two other important areas. Leonard also mentions living in the present, a foreign concept to most Westerners. Only this moment, right now, is real. The past is over and the future hasn’t happened yet, so what do you have to lose if you live in the NOW. It is an art that must be cultivated.

The 28 Laws of Attraction it has so much more to offer that I will continue to write about it as I read. Essentially, we attract what we think about, so think about being good to yourself in all aspects of your life.

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